Huffman Trees PA4


For each part of the project, please submit the source code(s), the readme document file
explaining how to run your code, and the sample input/output file that you used to test your code. Part1 (10 points): Read an input text file, create the frequency table. Part II (20 points): Create the Huffman tree based upon frequency table, the create the Huffman
code table based upon the tree. Part III (10 points): Using the Huffman code table to encode the input text file. I need code for 3 parts.

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Huffman Trees PA4
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CS520 Algorithm Analysis
Programming assignment 4 – Huffman Coding
40 points
Huffman coding is a scheme that assigns variable-length bit-codes to characters, such that the
lengths of the codes depend on the frequencies of the characters in a typical message. As a result,
encoded messages take less space (as compared to fixed-length encoding) since the letters that
appear more frequently are assigned shorter codes. This is performed by first building a Huffman
coding tree based on a given set of frequencies. From the tree, bit-codes for each character are
determined and then used to encode a message. The tree is also used to decode an encoded
message as it provides a way to determine which bit sequences translate back to a character.
Write a program to implement Huffman coding. It should do the following:
Accept a text file, possibly of more than one line.
Create a Huffman tree for this text file.
Create a Huffman code table.
Encode the message into binary.
You may assume that the messages are written in lower-case letters. The frequency table has
30-lines, where each line contains a letter (or a special character) followed by a space
and a positive integer (string of digits). For the simplicity purposes, the only special
characters are: `-‘ for space, `.’ for period, `!’ for new line, and `+’ for end-of-message.
Sample input file, together with expected outputs can be found on course website.
This project contains three parts, each of which has a different due date:
Part1 (10 points): Read an input text file, create the frequency table. (Easy)
Part II (20 points): Create the Huffman tree based upon frequency table, the create the Huffman
code table based upon the tree. (Difficult)
Part III (10 points): Using the Huffman code table to encode the input text file. (Easy)
What needs to be submitted:
For each part of the project, please submit the source code(s), the readme document file
explaining how to run your code, and the sample input/output file that you used to test your code.
Here are the sample outputs for each phase/part:
Part I sample output:
Frequency table
– 15
a 11
e 20

(all other letters have frequency 0)
Part II sample output:
Huffman Codes
a 101
b 001
c 0001
d 00001
e 11
f 1001
g …
h …

z …
– 01
. …
! 1000
+ 000001
Part III sample output:
Encode example
a bad
encoded message
10101001 10100001 10001001 10100011 11000000 00100000

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