HSA Christ mission


Christ’s Mission Paper

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Christ’s Mission Paper

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. Presentation12-point font (Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica)
1-inch margins
10-12 pages

2 pts

All completed

1 pts

1-2 problems

0 pts

3 or more problems

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. MechanicsFollowed Online Writing Lab (OWL)
No grammatical errors
No punctuation errors
Correct use of modifiers and prepositions
Consistent verb tense

2 pts

Less than 5 mistakes

1 pts

6-20 mistakes

0 pts

20 or more mistakes

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. SpellingNo spelling errors

2 pts


1 pts


0 pts

5 or more

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. DescriptionSince these papers are your personal position papers, your citations from outside sources should be limited. However, if you do need to cite another author use the following guidelines:
Direct Quotations: Put direct quotations in quotation marks (“ “) and use footnotes to cite the source with the following formatting – Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name, Book/Source Title, p.#.
Summarizations: If you are rephrasing another author’s thoughts, but not quoting them word-for-word, simply cite them with a footnote at the end of their thought.

2 pts

No problems

1 pts

1-2 problems

0 pts

3 or more problems

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5. Due DateThe paper was submitted on or before the due date

2 pts

Completed on time

1 pts

1-3 weeks late

0 pts

4 or more weeks late

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6. OrganizationEach section of the paper is covered and in the listed order
Details are in logical order

2 pts

All sections and details in order

1 pts

1-2 sections or details out of order

0 pts

1 section missing

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome7. IntroductionThe first paragraph includes a clear, focused thesis with the main points of the position paper.
It contains an effective, relevant, descriptive, attention-getting device

2 pts

Good introduction with attention getting device

1 pts

Missing a main point for the position paper

0 pts

Lacks focus and direction or is very shallow or unclear

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome8. The Lostness of ManThe sinful nature
The effects of sin
Several passages in Romans 1-3 are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome9. The Destiny of ManPhysical death
Spiritual death
Passages in Matthew 24-25 are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome10. Our MandateLove God
Love Others
Go and make disciples
Passages in Matthew 22, 28 and Acts 1 are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome11. Living on MissionDefine “missional living”
Describe your past and current experiences
Discuss plans for future involvement
Passages in Colossians 4 are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome12. Church PlantingDefine “church planting”
Role of church planting and kingdom advancement
Describe your past and current experiences
Discuss plans for future involvement
Passages in Acts are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome13. The Local Church and World MissionsDefine “world missions”
Describe your past and current experiences with this
Discuss plans for future involvement of the local church in world missions
Passages in Acts are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

2 are weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome14. Your Leadership in Fulfilling the Great CommissionPersonal example
Plan to mobilize the local church to live on mission
Discuss the roles of evangelism, discipleship, community impact, church multiplication and world missions in this plan

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

1 is weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome15. Personal Discipleship PlanWhat must be covered?
How will this be covered most effectively?
Develop your plan to disciple others
Passages in I and II Timothy and Titus and Hebrews 6 are used

2 pts

All are done well

1 pts

1 is weak

0 pts

This needs to be redone

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome16. ConclusionYour summary thoughts and understandings on completing Christ’s Mission

2 pts

Good conclusion

1 pts

Weak effort to end the paper

0 pts

Lacks any real conclusion or closing

2 pts

Total Points: 32