HRM-635 Benchmark – Training and Development-Develop a PowerPoint presentation


Training and development prompts change within an organization. The goal of training is to identify areas for improvement and to develop growth opportunities that support the employees in their professional career.

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HRM-635 Benchmark – Training and Development-Develop a PowerPoint presentation
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Develop a small training exercise in the form of a PowerPoint presentation for Job Title: Director of Digital Media & Marketing that was conducted for Mansfield Independent School District, identify one area for improvement that would benefit your organization.

This training exercise does not need to be implemented but should include at least one deliverable that you could use during the training exercise. As you are reviewing your organization, consider employee engagement, systems and procedures, communication, resources, succession planning, and the culture within the organization. These are only suggestions for possible areas that could benefit from a training exercise.

Create an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation of your training exercise, with speaker notes, and include the following:

What are the overall goals for the training or the benefit to the selected organization?
What are two specific objectives for the training exercise?
What processes or procedures will change after the training has been completed?
Describe the strategies or actions involved in the training exercise to meet the established goals and objectives. What is the expected employee performance or application after the training? How will the strategies drive successful business results and improve employee performance?
How will the organization provide support to the current employees receiving this training? To new employees? How will the effectiveness of the training exercise be measured to confirm the anticipated improvement of employee performance?

Cite and reference a minimum of three scholarly sources with one being the textbook.


Training Exercise: Improving Social Media Management for Director of Digital Media & Marketing


The overall goals of this training exercise are to improve the skills of the Director of Digital Media & Marketing in managing social media accounts and to enhance the effectiveness of social media marketing strategies for Mansfield Independent School District (MISD). This will be achieved by providing the necessary training for the director to develop expertise in social media management, which will contribute significantly to the district’s marketing efforts.


Two specific objectives for the training are as follows:

1. To enhance the knowledge of the Director of Digital Media & Marketing in social media marketing strategies, practices, and trends.

2. To acquire the skills needed to properly manage social media accounts, deliver relevant content, and increase engagement while maintaining the MISD brand.

Change Process:

After the completion of this training exercise, the Director of Digital Media & Marketing will be better equipped to manage social media accounts effectively. The training will introduce new processes for social media management, such as scheduling, content creation, and monitoring user engagement. These processes are intended to keep social media accounts active while ensuring the delivery of relevant and informative content to users.

Strategies and Actions:

During the training exercise, the Director of Digital Media & Marketing will undergo social media management and marketing training. They will also learn graphic design and content creation for digital channels, as well as how to evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns. To achieve the established goals and objectives, the expected employee performance or application after the training includes developing a comprehensive social media plan that aligns with district-wide goals, producing engaging content that aligns with brand standards, and implementing best practices for increasing user engagement.

Support and Effectiveness:

The organization will provide support to the current employees receiving this training by encouraging them to apply their newfound knowledge and skills to their work. The Director of Digital Media & Marketing will be required to share their new skills and knowledge with the Communications and Marketing Department staff, which will benefit the team’s overall effectiveness in executing their duties. For new employees, the organization will include social media management best practices in their onboarding training. The effectiveness of the training exercise will be measured through a post-training assessment that involves evaluating the Director of Digital Media & Marketing’s performance in managing social media accounts, delivering relevant content, and increasing user engagement while maintaining the MISD brand.


1. Schwab, K. (2020). Social media marketing. In The Cambridge Handbook of Psychology and Economic Behaviour (pp. 391-399). Cambridge University Press.

2. Trusov, M., Bodapati, A. V., & Bucklin, R. E. (2018). Social media, sociality, and survey research. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(6), 1221-1246.

3. Rooney, S. J., Mantripragada, H., & Rizzuto, T. (2017). Social media and the hiring process: An exploratory study comparing hiring officials’ and job seekers’ perceptions. Personnel Review, 46(7), 1298-1315.

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HRM-635 Needs Assessment and Job Analysis Matrices
Definition: A needs assessment is the process organizations use to determine if training is necessary for its employees.
Note: This template serves as a guide to complete the needs assessment of your current or selected organization. You are allowed to manipulate
the categories to obtain the information you require in order to complete the assignment.
Needs Assessment Matrix
Core Function(s) of
List of Jobs or Tasks of
Current Department or
Employee Needs
The core function of this
The jobs or tasks of this
Support in these areas:
department is to promote
department include:
communication, teamwork,
the visibility and positive
leadership, training and
image of Mansfield ISD
1. Building and
development, technology,
through the development
maintaining a district
resource allocation, and
and execution of marketing
marketing program
and digital communication
2. Developing and
activities. This includes
maintaining a district
managing the district’s
brand profile and
Understanding and
marketing, social media,
comprehensive branding
addressing these needs can
graphic design, story
help to improve
mining, content
3. Creating a variety of
productivity, morale, and
generation, and the
marketing tools and
overall performance within
production and updating of promotional collateral for
the organization.
internal presentations.
internal and external
Additionally, the
department is responsible
4. Empowering every
for coordinating and
MISD employee to provide
managing district-wide
customers with excellent
events and supervising
customer service
Communications and
5. Assisting campuses and
Marketing Department
departments in the creation
and execution of
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Current Trainings/
Required Trainings to
Meet Department or
Employee Needs
Based on the qualifications
and responsibilities listed
in the job description
provided, the required
trainings to meet the
department needs for the
Director of Digital Media
& Marketing position may
1. Digital marketing
strategies and analytics
2. Social media marketing
and management training
3. Graphic design software
proficiency training
4. Content creation and
curation training for digital
5. Writing and editing
training for digital media
6. Online reputation
promotional materials
6. Developing and
implementing training
options and/or
improvement plans to
ensure exemplary
operation of the public
information function
7. Managing social media
pages and delivering
relevant content to the sites
on a daily basis
8. Monitoring and
responding to users to
increase engagement while
maintaining the MISD
9. Monitoring trends in
social media tools,
applications, design, and
strategy to implement best
10. Designing, preparing,
and editing district
11. Creating and executing
marketing campaigns,
including graphic design,
branding, advertising,
social media engagement,
and video assets
12. Evaluating the success
of creative
communications and
digital marketing
campaigns on an annual
management and crisis
communication training
7. Project management and
leadership training
8. Compliance and ethical
standards in marketing and
communications training
13. Assisting in the
management, content
creation, and maintenance
of district website and web
14. Complying with
policies established by
federal and state law, State
Board of Education rules,
and local board policy
15. Designing, completing,
compiling, and distributing
parent satisfaction surveys
16. Facilitating, compiling,
and complying with
Freedom of Information
Act requests
17. Serving as districtwide events coordinator
18. Coordinating all
district-level events,
including banquets,
celebrations, special
meetings, and recognition
19. Supervising
Communications and
Marketing Department
staff when needed
20. Utilizing a Personal
Computer and camera,
diversified computer
programs and common
office equipment.
Job Analysis Matrix
Definition: A job analysis is a process used to acquire detailed information about a specific job. The analysis will support the development of a job
description based on the needs of the organization.
Note: This template serves as a guide to complete the job analysis following the needs assessment of an organization to create a job description.
You are allowed to manipulate the categories to obtain the information you require in order to complete the assignment.
List Tasks, Duties, and Responsibilities
List Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Other Core Competencies and Education
Tasks, duties, and responsibilities of the
position include:
1. School district communications and
2. Online marketing and marketing
3. Social media management and social
analytics tools
4. Policy and procedural interpretation
1. Attention to detail
2. Ability to multitask and prioritize work in
a fast-paced environment
3. Strategic thinking for brand management
and marketing campaigns
4. Project management skills for
coordinating and executing events
5. Ability to work independently and
1. Supporting and assisting in the
development and execution of marketing
and digital communication activities
2. Managing the district’s marketing,
social media management, graphic design,
story mining, and content generation
3. Developing and maintaining the
district’s brand profile and implementing
comprehensive branding programs
4. Creating a variety of marketing tools
and promotional collateral for internal
and external distribution
5. Empowering MISD employees to
provide a superior customer experience
6. Assisting campuses and departments in
the creation and execution of promotional
7. Developing training options and/or
improvement plans for exemplary
operation of the public information
8. Managing and delivering relevant
content on social media pages and
monitoring user engagement
9. Staying up-to-date with social media
trends and implementing best practices
10. Developing and executing marketing
campaigns, including graphic design,
branding, advertising, social media
engagement, and video assets
11. Creating and maintaining district
publications, including newsletters,
recruitment brochures, and programs for
special events
12. Evaluating the success of creative
communications and digital marketing
13. Complying with established policies
and regulations
14. Serving as a district-wide events
coordinator and coordinating district-level
5. Digital asset creation and design
1. Strong organizational, written and oral
communication, and interpersonal skills
2. Excellent writing, proofreading, and
editing abilities
3. Creativity in content creation and
4. Proficient use of Microsoft and Google
5. Ability to use a computer to design and
produce district publications
1. Ability to empower and train MISD
employees for exemplary customer service
2. Ability to evaluate and improve public
information function
3. Ability to monitor user engagement and
maintain MISD brand on social media
4. Ability to create and execute marketing
5. Ability to supervise communications
and marketing department staff
6. Ability to work extended hours,
weekends, and holidays when required
7. Ability to maintain emotional control
under stress.
collaboratively with others
6. Analytical and problem-solving abilities
7. Flexibility and adaptability to changing
“Bachelor’s degree in education, business,
journalism, communications, public
relations, marketing, political science or
related field from an accredited college or
university” Three years of school
communications or marketing experience is
required, and a minimum of five years of
experience working in the area of
communications, public relations,
journalism, or marketing is preferred. A
portfolio of strong creative content creation
work is also required.
15. Supervising communications and
marketing department staff when needed
16. Using a Mac/PC platform, variety of
software, digital camera, standard office
equipment, and portable radio
17. Being able to work extended hours,
weekends, and holidays as required
18. Maintaining emotional control under

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