how to improve education


Read the project document on “Improving the Quality of General Education in Ethiopia” and in particular the strategic and appraisal cases. Discuss the theory of change proposed in the project document, its weaknesses and strengths, and indicate which elements you would change and whySee: United Kingdom Department for International Development “Improving the Quality of General Education in Ethiopia,” London 2011.Parameters: The paper will be approximately 14 pages long (without including the title page, or references page), double spaced, typed in size 12, Times New Roman font, for a total of maximum 2500 words. There should be a cover sheet with the title of the seminar and the name of the student (name, title, class, date). References should be listed on a separate page after the answers. Margins should be no wider than 1”. Pages should be numbered.References: The answers should be supported with a minimum of 6 references, including a minimum of 3 scholarly sources in addition to the readings provided above in the questions. Appropriate sources may include: (a) research articles from scientific journals; (b) academic books; (c) primary sources, like documents published by the UN, other intergovernmental organizations or NGOs.Format: The assignment should follow one of the following formats: MLA, or APA

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