how is the theme relevant


Although it was written over 1000 years ago, the themes in Oedipus Rex are still relevant today. They are:

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how is the theme relevant
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Fate vs. Freewill
Wisdom vs, Knowledge

Similarly- Hamlet which was written 100’s of years ago, also has themes which are relevant today. They are:

Madness and Suicide
Immortality and Consequences

After watching these 3 short videos – choose one of the themes mentioned above and briefly explain how that theme is still relevant – to you – today. Afterwards – respond to one other comment on the board.

Oedipus Rex- A Quick Look

Hamlet – A Quick Look – Part 1

Hamlet – A Quick Look – Part 2

Remember to make your entry thoughtful enough for others to respond. Be Specific! Afterwards – referring to your classmate by name – comment on another’s reaction.

Please refer to the course syllabus/schedule for due dates and due times for all assignments. Refer to “Discussions” on syllabus for grading criteria.