History Question


Essay 1: Capital v. Labor

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History Question
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AMH 2020


Due January 19, 11:59pm

20% of final grade

The transformative nature of industrialization brought important changes to the American experience. Modules 1 and 2 showcase these changes, with special attention paid to the relationship between capital (owners) and labor (workers).

For this essay, students will write a thesis-driven essay that addresses the following questions:

Which side or segment of American economic society (capital or labor) did the US government most support? From your understanding of the period and turn-of-the-century (roughly 1877-1929) political economy more generally, did the US support the efforts of capital or labor. Explain, with references to the historical evidence. The evidence can be found in the readings listed below. Pay special attention to the American Yawp Chapters.
Tensions between capital and labor during the period grew intense. The second part of the essay requires students to explain which side they would have supported, capital or labor. The second part of the essay is more opinionated, but you need to support your opinion with historical evidence.


Start with the American Yawp, Chapters 16, 18, 20, and 22.

“William Graham Sumner on Social Obligations,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 18-1

“Henry Demarest Lloyd Attacks Monopolies,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Documents 18-2

“Andrew Carnegie Explains the Gospel of Wealth,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Documents 18-4

“Henry George Explains Why Poverty is a Crime,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 18-5

“A Textile Worker Explains the Labor Market,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 19-1

“Walker Wyckoff Listens to Revolutionary Workers in Chicago,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 19-4

“Conflicting Views about Labor Unions,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 20-4

“Eugene Debs Attacks Capitalist Warmongers, ” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 22-2

“Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Defends America from Communists,” Johnson, Reading the American Past, Document 22-4

Andrew Carnegie, “The Triumph of America,” found in American Yawp primary sources section, Chapter 18.

Herbert Hoover, “Principles and Ideals of the US Government,” found in American Yawp primary sources section, Chapter 22.

Writing Standards

The essay will be 4 pages long.

Standard margins.

12 point times new roman font.

In-text parenthetical citations. For example: (Foner, 3), or (Johnson, 25).

The essay needs to reference/cite at least 3 sources from the list of required resources (readings/videos). If the essay does not reference at least 3 sources, the grade will be penalized. The reference to the cartoon does not count toward the 3 source minimum.

All essays need to be submitted to turn-it-in, through canvas. I will not grade the essay if it’s not submitted to turn-it-in.

Proofread the essay. If I can’t understand the writing, the grade will be penalized.

The rubric is posted on the course portal.

Every essay needs a formal works cited page. Remember to cite each individual source. MLA format for works cited page.

There is no need to consult outside sources. All of the information needed to complete this essay is found in the module. Students must reference the Johnson text.

Structure of Essay

-Every essay should have a formal introduction (paragraph 1). The purpose of the introduction for this essay is to present a thesis that addresses the question.

-After the introduction, the essay should spend 2-3 paragraphs discussing the first part of the assignment—which side did the US government support, capital or labor? You must reference actual historical evidence to prove your argument–specific pieces of historical information that validate your argument. Without evidence you have no argument.

-When addressing the second task, students must clearly stake out a position. Which side would you have supported, capital or labor? Use the historical evidence to drive your perspective. This task should fill the final 2-3 body paragraphs.

-Each essay should contain a short, formal conclusion (final paragraph) that restates the central themes discussed in the body paragraphs, offers broader conclusions about American history, or even tries to connect the paper to contemporary events.

If the essay fails to meet the above requirements the grade will be penalized.

Remember, your essay needs to write about events that took place between roughly 1877-1929.

You will not be given credit for information that takes the discussion outside of this period