History Question


3 assignments. Details attached.Friday, 19 January2024 WNT – AHIS 1 (1022) [1..6] – PRECIADO – (O)Assignment Assignment 9: Egyptian Art Reading Response is not marked as done.2024 WNT – AHIS 1 (1022) [1..6] – PRECIADO – (O) ASSIGNMENTAssignment Assignment 9: Egyptian Art Reading Response , due Friday, 19 January 2024 23:59.Assignment 9: Egyptian Art Reading Response10 PTSDUE: 23:59Assignment Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art is not marked as done.2024 WNT – AHIS 1 (1022) [1..6] – PRECIADO – (O) ASSIGNMENTAssignment Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art , due Friday, 19 January 2024 23:59.Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art10 PTSDUE: 23:59Assignment Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists is not marked as done.2024 WNT – AHIS 1 (1022) [1..6] – PRECIADO – (O) ASSIGNMENTAssignment Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists, due Friday, 19 January 2024 23:59.Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists50 PTS

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1/18/24, 9:03 AM
Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art
Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art
10 Points Possible
Attempt 1
In Progress
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Unlimited Attempts Allowed
1/2/2024 to 2/8/2024
Part I
Cultural Continuity: The persistence or consistent existence of cultural elements in society across time.
Continuity can also be referred to as the maintenance of the traditions and social structures that bring
stability to a society.
Read this short blog on Egyptian Continuity and
(http://arthistoryjournal.blogspot.com/2010/02/onegyptian-continuity-and-permanence.html) Permanence and answer the following questions. Provide short
answers (2-3 sentences).
1. Steve Wright discusses several ideas that were rooted in Egyptian culture at the time and which
influenced Egyptian art. What are some of these ideas?
2. Western society has privileged realistic art over other types of art in the past, perpetuating the idea
that “good” art is realistic and “bad” art is not realistic. However, when we read into the ideas that
influenced the way different cultures decided to express themselves visually, we see that not
everyone strived to create realistic and perfect representations of what they saw in nature.
According to this blog, why weren’t Egyptians interested in sketching nature as it appeared to
Part II
Choose a contemporary Egyptian artist from below and describe the role of cultural continuity in their
work. How does the artist engage with Egyptian history? Are they trying to preserve it, critique it,
challenge it, or change it? Choose one of their artworks that speaks to you and explain why you chose it
(please include an image of chosen work). Write at least two paragraphs.
Alaa Awad
1/18/24, 9:03 AM
Alaa Awad
Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art
(http://alaa-awad.com/) came to the forefront of Cairo’s graffiti scene in 2012 when he
painted a Port Said massacre
(http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/egyptsource/the-port-saidmassacre-a-photo-essay) memorial mural. His concern with retaining and reviving Egyptian identity is
immediately apparent in his so-called ‘Neo-Pharoanic’ iconographic style. By utilizing Egyptian
heritage, Awad places current political issues within the linear trajectory of Egyptian history. The
ruler and the ruled, the oppressor and the oppressed; these persistent binaries are nowhere more
overt and questioned than in Alaa Awad’s spectacular wall murals.
Shrouk El Attar
Shrouk Al Attar is a UK-based Egyptian queer woman who, like many Arab and North African
LGBTQI+ individuals, fled to the west seeking refuge from queerphobia in Egypt.
Her act, The Dancing Queer, in which she dons a beard and dances in drag, has become a powerful
expression of dissent and protest against homophobia and transphobia in conservative Arab culture.
In addition to raising awareness about the serious human rights violations against queer Egyptians,
Al Attar uses the proceeds from the act to pay for legal fees for members of Egypt’s LGBTQI+
community who are imprisoned for their sexual orientation or gender identity.
She is also a fierce defender of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Her work on behalf of
refugee communities has earned her the title Young Woman of the Year by UNHCR, the UN
Refugee Agency & Migrants Organise in 2018, as well as a spot on BBC’s 100 Women.
Mahmoud Khaled
Click here to see list of works
Click here for his artist biography
Click here for interview to know more about his work
1/18/24, 9:03 AM
Assignment 11: Continuity and Permanence in Egyptian Art
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Canvas Studio
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Canvas Files
1/18/24, 9:04 AM
Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists
Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists
50 Points Possible
Attempt 1
In Progress
NEXT UP: Submit assignment
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Unlimited Attempts Allowed
1/2/2024 to 2/8/2024
This project asks you to write about how three contemporary Black artists – Kara Walker, Lauren
Halsey, and Awol Erizku – take inspiration from Ancient Egypt (among other things) and use it to
address current topics.
Watch all of the linked videos and read the articles below. Then write a 300-500 word short essay
answering the following questions. You must address the work all three artists and be sure to discuss
at least one specific work per artist to support your points.
Project Question to Answer: How do Walker, Halsey, and Erizku each take inspiration from Ancient
Egypt? What commentary are they each making about Black identity and issues that affect the Black
community? What are similarities and differences between the artists’ work?
Kara Walker

Curatorial Statement


A Subtlety…

Lauren Halsey
Lauren Halsey in Conversation with Lanka Tattersall
Halsey: we still here, there
1/18/24, 9:04 AM
Project #1: Ancient Egypt and Contemporary Black Artists
Awol Erizku
Choose a submission type
Canvas Studio

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