History Question


The prompt for the essay is “Why did Renaissance writers think that the study of history was important?” Please refer to the attached document titled “PROMPT 4” for details. Use prompt #4, which is the above-stated prompt. Please refer to the attached documents titled “OUTLINE-1” and “OUTLINE-2” for references to complete the essay properly. The essay should be no less than five and no more than six double-spaced pages (12pt font), accumulating for a total of about 10 paragraphs in total (including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs). EACH PARAGRAPH must have AT LEAST one piece of supporting evidence quoted directly from the attached sources (using Chicano style for footnotes and bibliography). You do not have to use all of the sources, but please try to use as many as possible! *Not all sources are attached below due to capacity of the website; I will send the rest directly via direct messages* *DO NOT USE CHATGPT OR ANY AI TO COMPLETE THIS ESSAY; I WILL KNOW AND WILL AI SCAN!*

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History Question
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