History Question


Midterm and Final Essays

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History Question
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The essays will be submitted by the due date indicated on the Lesson Schedule.

Each essay should be approximately two pages in length, single spaced, and 12 point font. Make sure the title of your essay clearly refers to the specific question you’re addressing. In writing the essay make sure you have a clear introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Make sure that you support all main points with specific examples. You should look at the General Guidelines for Papers to ensure that you’re writing the best essay possible.

Midterm Essay

Choose one of the following questions to answer:

Historian have noted that the industrial and technological advances achieved in the late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries profoundly changed American life. For some, however, the benefits of this transformation were hard to see. To what degree were American lives changed for better or worse during this period? Who benefited the most and who benefit the least? What consequences arose form these changes?
The dawn of the twentieth century witnessed a critical transition of America s role in the world. Within a few years after the turn of the century, the U.S. had acquired an empire and established itself as a formidable world power. Account for the rise of American Imperialism in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century. How did U.S. involvement in foreign affairs lead to its participation in the First World War
Compare the New Deal reforms with those of the Progressive era. How did the New Deal reflect the reform traditions of the Progressive era? Be sure to include in your answer a discussion about Roosevelt’s key administrators.