History And Systems of Psych Discussion Forum #6


In Discussion Forum 6, post your response to the following reflection question. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses by the date indicated in the Course Calendar. [MO 3.1, MO 3.2] In a few sentences, summarize Charles Darwin’s contributions to the new psychology. Then, describe a time when you were in a new environment or situation and had to adapt. Do you think your adaptation process led to long-term changes in who you are? Connect your experience to Darwin’s assertions about adaptation. In your replies to your classmates, indicate whether you can relate to your classmates’ experiences, and why. Then, comment on the connections they found between their experiences and concepts from the course. Do you see any other connections that they did not mention? *FYI-I’m a 41-year-old African American male from Memphis Tn, currently living in Little Rock Arkansas. Here is an experience about me that can be used to answer the assignment: When I was 8 years old, I lived on a Navy base in Pennsylvania with my family. My dad was in the Navy.He left the Navy and we moved to Memphis Tn to a low-income community.I remember having to adapt to the new lifestyle. Here are the two Classmate Posts that need replies: Post#1-From Hallie, “Mostly, everyone has heard of Charles Darwin and his theories. He believed in evolution and how as time passes, we tend to adapt to whatever circumstances come our way. There have been multiple times when I was in a new environment and had to adapt. The first big change I can remember was when I transferred schools and moved to towns. It was during fifth grade before my first year of middle school. I was a particularly quiet person and it was difficult for me to adapt. I knew all the kids before, but now I had to introduce myself and try to make new friends. It was a difficult few years, but I suppose I managed for the most part. Another change was when I got my first job and I had to wake up at random times to go to work, whether that was at 4 a.m. or later. It messed up my sleep schedule, but I adapted. I went through many other experiences where I got hurt in the end and it changed me immensely. Although, I was able to grow from those experiences. When the pandemic happened and most of us had to work from home or switch over to online school, that was hard to adapt to. I get this is probably the one change that people are always going to mention. However, it impacted all of us and we all changed in one way or another. I went from seeing my friends every day to staying at home 24/7 and being scared of the world. When trying to adapt, I became extremely anti-social. It was not until things went back to normal and I got a full-time job that I started to branch out a bit. I had a bad stutter, and I am able to speak more clearly at 20 than I did before at 16 or 17. Part of Darwin’s assertions only entail that we tend to change over time. All of this is true.” Post#2-From Samantha, “Among Darwin’s contributions to psychology were his demonstration of the continuity of species, a model for the study of instinct, a book on the expression of the emotions, and a baby biography (Dewsbury, 2009). I was in a new environment and situation when i married into my husbands family. Our families are very different and i definitely had to adapt to being around them and certain situations we were in together. It definitely changed me a little, id say i am more mindful when i speak and act. Before, i didn’t think this was a good change but as i grew wiser i realized, it sure is. Thinking before speaking and thinking before acting has saved me from a lot of drama.”

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