History and Systems of Psych Discussion Forum #3


In Discussion Forum 3, post your response to the following discussion prompt. Reply to at least two classmates’ responses.

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History and Systems of Psych Discussion Forum #3
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Your text explains that Titchener and the structuralists placed limitations on the scope of psychology. Titchener envisioned psychology as a pure science, for example, not concerned with curing sick minds or reforming society. Yet structuralism made important contributions to the field of psychology. Describe one of the contributions mentioned in your text, and suggest its effect on later psychology.

In your replies to your classmates, suggest additional impacts that structuralism may have had on later thinking.

Textbook used

Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). A history of modern psychology (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

However, no citations are needed for this assignment

Here are the Responses from Classmates that need Replies:

RESPONSE #1- Elizabeth

One of the significant contributions of structuralism to psychology was its development of systematic introspection as a method for studying conscious experience. Introspection, as advocated by Titchener and his followers, involved trained individuals reporting their thoughts, feelings, and sensations in response to stimuli under controlled conditions.

While structuralism itself had limitations and eventually waned in influence, its emphasis on systematic introspection had lasting effects on the field of psychology. The structured approach to self-observation laid the groundwork for subsequent research methods and experimental designs. It encouraged a more rigorous and systematic examination of mental processes, paving the way for the development of experimental psychology.

The emphasis on introspection influenced later schools of thought, such as behaviorism and cognitive psychology. Behaviorism, led by psychologists like John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, rejected introspection as a method but was still influenced by the idea of making psychology more objective and focused on observable behavior. The shift towards observable behavior laid the foundation for the behaviorist movement.

In the mid-20th century, cognitive psychology emerged, which sought to understand mental processes such as memory, perception, and problem-solving. While cognitive psychology moved away from the strict reliance on introspection, it built upon the structuralist idea that mental processes could be studied scientifically. Researchers in cognitive psychology developed new experimental methods and models to investigate the mind, giving rise to the cognitive revolution in psychology.

In summary, the emphasis on systematic introspection by structuralists like Titchener contributed to the development of more rigorous research methods in psychology. This influence persisted through subsequent movements, shaping the evolution of the field and laying the groundwork for the scientific study of mental processes.

RESPONSE #2- Samantha

Structuralism made psychology a more experimental science. It is considered the first school of thought in psychology. It proposes that the structure of the conscious experience could be understood by analyzing the basic elements of thoughts and sensations.

Structuralism did not last long after the death of Titchener. The methods used are too subjective in today’s world. The results were not reliable, and many critics believed that structuralism was too worried about internal behavior, which cannot be properly measured.