hist 155 baydaa


Research and discover a local San Diego woman who contributed somehow to the history of San Diego.Please include a explanation about how she is a representative of one or several of the role types we are discussing.There are several books and resources about local women. San Diego has a Woman’s Museum to visit. Also consider visiting the website or actual site of any history museum in San Diego to learn about various women. Choose one who inspires you and promote them in your brochure.Microsoft word has many templates to work with as do many other sites.The format of the report will be a brochure. Imagine going to a local museum or webpage and being given a folded brochure with information about the museum, person, or event associated with the museum. It needs to only be 1 page front and back.You must use 5 different legitimate resources, cite the sources within the text, and you must include a bibliography section within the brochure, not as a 3rd page.It must be in PDF Format.6-9 pages

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