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Subject – 2024 Spring – Operational Excellence (ITS-631-A02) – First Bi-termWeek 2 DiscussionThis week we focus on the social and organizational issues that exist with better understanding why changes occurs. This week discuss the phases of change noted in the Linear Development in Learning Approaches section in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text.

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School of Computer & Information Sciences
ITS-631 Operational Excellence
Chapter 3 – Information Systems for Business
and Beyond (2019)
Learning Objectives
• define the term software;
• identify and describe the two primary categories of
• describe the role ERP software plays in an organization;
• describe cloud computing and its advantages and
disadvantages for use in an organization; and
• define the term open-source and identify its primary
• Two key categories
– Operating (manage the
hardware) and Application
Software (perform specific tasks
like word processing, accounting,
• Operating Systems
– boot programs
– Manages PC resources
Application Software

Used to accomplish specific goals like word processing or calculation.
Productivity Software
– Word processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation.
Applications for Enterprise

ERP Software
– SAP, Peoplesoft, etc…
– Implementation can take 2-3 years and several million dollars
CRM Software
– Manages an organizations customers
– Example: Salesforce
Supply Chain Management
– Links an organization’s suppliers, manufacturing facilities, and distributors of products.
Mobile Applications and Cloud Computing
• All mobile devices need specific mobile applications
– Smartphones
– Electronic Tablets
• The cloud refers to applications, services, and data storage
located on the Internet.
• Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
• Understand
– Using a Private Cloud vs. Virtualization
Software Creation
• Various Computer Languages

Visual Basic
• Open-Source Software
– Allows various people to use the source code
• Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J.
(2019). Information Systems for Business and
Beyond. Retrieved from
School of Computer & Information Sciences
ITS-631- Operational Excellence
Chapter 3 – Information Technology and
Organizational Learning
• Technology as a variable and responsive
organizational dynamism
• Focuses on defining the components of technology
and how they affect corporate organizations.
• Answers the questions: how should organizations
adjust to its short and long term impacts.
Technological Dynamism
• Technology should be regarded as a variable, independent of
others, that contributes to the life of a business operation.
• Technology can produce a distinctive effect on an
• Dynamism is defined as a process or mechanism responsible
for the development of motion of a system.
• Technological dynamism is the unpredictable and
accelerated way in which technology can change strategic
planning and organizational behavior.
Responsive Organizational Dynamism

The technological dynamism has the power to disrupt any antecedent sense of comfortable
equilibrium of stasis.
Strategic integration
Cultural assimilation
Cultural Assimilation
• A process that focuses on organizational aspects of
how technology is internally organized including
the role of the IT department, and how it is
assimilated within the organization as a whole.
• IT Organization Communications with Others
• Movement of Traditional IT Staff
Technology Business Cycle
• To better understand technology dynamism it is necessary to
define the specific steps that occur during its evolution in an
IT Roles and Responsibilities and Replacement or

Two distinct business operations
IT need to change accordingly and should be designed within the driver and supporter theory
Replacement or Outsource
• Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology
and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition.
Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-13823858-9
School of Computer & Information Sciences
ITS-631 Operational Excellence
Chapter 4 – Information Systems for Business
and Beyond (2019)
Learning Objectives
• Describe the differences between data, information, and
• Describe why database technology must be used for data resource
• Define the term database and identify the steps to creating one;
• Describe the role of a database management system;
• Describe the characteristics of a data warehouse; and
• Define data mining and describe its role in an organization.
Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom

These terms are used interchangeably but are

Data- raw facts
Information- processed data
Knowledge- relationships among facts/concepts
Explicit –can be expressed into words
Tacit – difficult to transfer via simple
– Wisdom – combines knowledge and experience
to obtain a deeper understanding of a topic.
Data and Databases
• Big Data
– Large sets of data in which you need to determine the best
methods to manage the data
• Databases
– Place that houses data
– Common defects of data resource management
• No control of redundant data
• Violation of data integrity
• Relying on human memory to store and search needed data
Data Models and Relational Databases

Databases can be organized in many different ways
– Relational database
Designing a Database

– The information to be built

Primary Key
– The unique identifier to link
data together in the tables
Normalization and Data Types

– Reduces data redundancy
– Ensures data integrity

Data Types

Paragraph Text
Database Management Systems

DBMS provide an interface to view and change the design of the database
Databases must be used by multiple users to be effective
Microsoft Access and Open Office Base = examples of personal database-management
Structured Query Language (SQL)- the method to work with structured databases
Value in Business Intelligence and Knowledge

Data Visualization
Data Warehouses
Data Mining and Machine Learning
Don’t forget about privacy and security concerns when
dealing with data
• Knowledge Management
– Companies accumulate knowledge and need a method of
extracting the data to make informed decisions.
• Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J.
(2019). Information Systems for Business and
Beyond. Retrieved from

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