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Module 03 Assignment – Answering Patients’ Concerns
Please review the four scenarios below and answer the questions.
Synchronous Scenario #1
A patient shows up for their appointment and gives you their new insurance
information. Your office is no longer in-network with their insurance plan so
they will need to pay more out of pocket before they can see the physician
in accordance with office policy.
The patient states (to medical administrative assistant), “I am out of my
depression medication and need a refill. I do not know where to go for an
appointment or how long I can go without my medication before I can see a
new physician.”
1. Write 1 paragraph identifying the patient’s possible emotions, concerns,
and overall complications they are presenting with.
2. Write 3-5 sentences stating what you would say in response to this
patient in the scenario above.
3. What complications could this scenario have for your clinic?
Synchronous Scenario #2
A patient shows up for their appointment and you cannot find their name on
the schedule, but you can see where another office member deleted their
appointment from the schedule two days earlier. Your coworker apologizes
to the patient about the mix-up. and the patient becomes visibly angry
because they left work early to attend their appointment.
The patient states (to medical administrative assistant), “I had to use paid
time off to be at this appointment today, this is all your fault. You better
have the doctor see me right now and make it right!”
1. Write 1 paragraph identifying the patient’s possible emotions, concerns,
and overall complications they are presenting with.
2. Write 3-5 sentences stating what you would say in response to this
patient in the scenario above.
3. What complications could this scenario have for your clinic?
Asynchronous Scenario #1
After billing your patient’s insurance for their most recent office visit and lab
work at Rassy Clinic, you received a denial from their insurance stating their
Module 03 Assignment – Answering Patients’ Concerns
policy was no longer active on the date of service, so the insurance company
will not pay and the patient, Barbara Smith, is responsible for the full
amount. You send the patient their bill with a letter stating why their
insurance did not pay and asking them to update your office with the policy
information if they have a new insurance plan. Several days later you
receive this email from the patient:
“This is Barb Smith, I received your bill and I’m not going to pay it! I did not
know my husband’s insurance policy was cancelled when he switched jobs
but I cannot afford the bill and if you do not stop billing me I will sue you!”
1. Write 1 paragraph explaining how the patient is probably feeling at this
moment and why.
2. Write a professional email response to this patient. It should include
an element to deescalate the situation and explain options so your
office can receive reimbursement and continue to treat the patient.
3. What complications could this scenario have for your clinic?
Asynchronous Scenario #2
Samuel Jones, a patient, recently had an appointment at your clinic. The
next day you received the following email:
“I had an appointment in your office yesterday and overheard two
employees gossiping about a patient while I was waiting in the reception
area. I wanted to bring this to your attention because this is very
unprofessional and I do not want to go to a clinic that behaves in this
Sam Jones
1. Write 1 paragraph explaining how the patient is probably feeling at this
moment and why.
2. Write a professional email response to this patient. It should include
an element to deescalate the situation and explain options so your
office can receive reimbursement and continue to treat the patient.
3. What complications could this scenario have for your clinic?

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