Help With My Annotated Bibliography


Assignment and Requirements Write an annotated bibliography of 8-12 published works on entertainment-education academic research (8 for MA students. You need to use academic journal publications for this assignment (no books, magazines, or popular media) and you must find research, that is, actual studies. Do not use essays. Your articles do not need to focus on a single topic area but it is more useful to you if they do have a focus. At least half of your sources must be published after 1999. List each article separately using the APA (7th edition) format, and then write a 3-4 paragraph summary of that article (usually from three-fourths of a page to a full page). In your summary of each article, please include the following: (1) a review of the author’s study or analysis objectives, (2) an explanation of the theoretical approach or framework used for the study or written analysis, including any formal research questions and/or hypotheses, (3) an explanation of the methodology, research or writing approach used by the author, (4) a summary of the author’s major findings and conclusions, and (5) a critique on how well the author achieved his or her objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the study, and recommendations on what the author could have done better. Length 8-12 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt Times Roman font, one-inch margins, APA 7th edition Due Date: March 3, 2024

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COM 610/720: Influence through Entertainment
Dr. William Brown and Dr. Pete Kenny
School of Communication and the Arts
Annotated Bibliography Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop useful academic resources for learning
theories and practices related to the use of the entertainment-education communication strategy.
This assignment is worth 200 pts, or 20 percent of your final grade.
Assignment and Requirements
Write an annotated bibliography of 8-12 published works on entertainment-education academic
research (8 for MA students, 12 for PhD students). You need to use academic journal
publications for this assignment (no books, magazines, or popular media) and you must find
research, that is, actual studies. Do not use essays. Your articles do not need to focus on a single
topic area but it is more useful to you if they do have a focus. At least half of your sources must
be published after 1999. List each article separately using the APA (7th edition) format, and then
write a 3-4 paragraph summary of that article (usually from three-fourths of a page to a full
page). In your summary of each article, please include the following: (1) a review of the author’s
study or analysis objectives, (2) an explanation of the theoretical approach or framework used for
the study or written analysis, including any formal research questions and/or hypotheses, (3) an
explanation of the methodology, research or writing approach used by the author, (4) a summary
of the author’s major findings and conclusions, and (5) a critique on how well the author
achieved his or her objectives, strengths and weaknesses of the study, and recommendations on
what the author could have done better.
8-12 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt Times Roman font, one-inch margins, APA 7th edition
Due Date: March 3, 2024
Delivery Method
Upload your bibliography online into the Assignments section of CANVAS
Tips for a Good Grade
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