help me create a creative prayer


Please help make it creative but also not too advanced in grammar so it seems like my writing, thank you. Rubric is below

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help me create a creative prayer
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Liturgical Planning/Leaders
Student Prayer: Guidelines and Format
Each class will begin with a brief student led prayer selected randomly by the teacher, or by a student who
volunteers to lead prayer.
Each student will prepare a prayer using the following format and submit it to the teacher via an electronic
document, on a printed page, or neatly handwritten on binder paper.
Prayer is a wonderful way to begin each class, to help us reflect upon our lives and relationships (with
ourselves, with others, and with God), and to help us come together and grow as a community.
Please spend some time reflecting on your prayer; choose something that is meaningful and inspiring to you.
Follow the format below and be sure to include every single numbered item (1 through 10) in the assignment.
You can ask your teachers, parents, family members, or anyone to help you prepare your prayer. If you have
any questions or need any clarification, please speak with your teacher.
Here are some online resources for your consideration:
● Books of the Bible
● Bible Gateway (Searchable Bible)
○ Be sure to set version in the left hand drop down box to “New American Bible (Revised Edition)
● Hallow App (You should already have a subscription from last year.)
● Daily Reflections from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood
● Saint of the Day
● Mass readings for the Day
● Prayers by St. Ignatius and others
● Sacred Space Daily Prayers
Student Name
Class Name
Teacher Name
Prayer (FORMAT)
1. Opening Sign of the Cross
a. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
(Students who do not feel comfortable making the Sign of the Cross do not have to do so, but
you should still invite the class to make the Sign of the Cross.)
2. Theme
a. Your theme needs to relate to a something that is inspiring, important, or meaningful to you.
b. State your theme and describe why it is important to you.
c. For example, “The theme of my prayer is_________ and I selected it because
3. Prayer
a. Include the text of the prayer here.
b. You may create your own prayer.
c. If you find the prayer from somewhere else, be sure to list who or what the prayer is from.
i. It is OK to copy and paste the prayer from a web site, as long as you also include the
name of the web site where you found the prayer.
d. If you are not sure about a prayer, or have any questions, please ask your teacher about the prayer
BEFORE it is due.
4. Reflective Element or Activity
a. Introduce the reflective element or activity.
b. Play a song or a video, lead a meditation or stretching activity, invite students to draw or journal,
or other creative ideas that connect with your theme (#2) and prayer (#3).
5. Inspiration
a. One or two sentence description of why you chose the prayer and the reflective element or
activity and how they relate to the theme you chose.
b. You will read or summarize your inspiration when you lead prayer.
6. Personal Intentions
a. You need to offer one or two intentions that you would like the class to pray for.
b. For example, “I’d like to pray for my aunt, who is having surgery today.”
c. You may type just the title for #6. You do not need to type personal intentions because they
might change by the time you are chosen to lead prayer.
d. If you don’t type anything, you do need to add spoken personal intentions when you are chosen
to lead prayer.
7. Call for Class Intentions
a. Invite your classmates to offer any intentions that they would the class to pray for (Students will
raise their hands to offer intentions).
i. Leader: “Are there any intentions?”
Pray for Class Intentions
a. After the class has offered intentions (one per student), the student leader will lead the closing:
“For all of these intentions, and the ones we hold in our hearts, we pray to the Lord.”
b. The class will respond, “Lord, hear our prayer.”
9. Intercession
a. Leader: “Our Lady of Peace…”
b. Class: “Pray for us.”
10. Closing Sign of the Cross
Chiara Offreduccio
Liturgical Planning
Mr. Martin-Spencer
August 16, 2023
Prayer (SAMPLE)
1. Opening Sign of the Cross
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
2. Theme: “The theme of my prayer today is how the goodness of God can transform our lives and our
world. I selected this theme because…”
3. Prayer: Isaiah 40:3-5
A voice proclaims: In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord!
Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!
4 Every valley shall be lifted up, every mountain and hill made low;
The rugged land shall be a plain, the rough country, a broad valley.
5 Then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together;
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
4. Reflective Element
And now, I have an activity to help us reflect upon the theme. On the index card you’ll receive, write…
5. Inspiration
I chose this passage and activity because God’s love and goodness can transform our lives and world.
Encountering Christ in the Eucharist can help give us the strength to allow God’s loving transformation
to flow through our lives…
6. Personal Intentions (You need to add your spoken personal intentions here.)
7. Call for Class Intentions
Leader: “Are there any intentions?”
Class: Offers intentions by raising hands.
8. Pray for Class Intentions
Leader: “For all of these intentions, and the ones we hold in our hearts, we pray to the Lord.”
Class: “Lord, hear our prayer.”
9. Intercession
Leader: “Our Lady of Peace…”
Class: “Pray for us.”
10. Closing Sign of the Cross
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

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