Help Fix the emails!


Fix the emails! We have covered some email etiquette in the module now let’s see what you have learned.

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Help Fix the emails!
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Using Microsoft Word and the included Review and Markup tools, copy and paste the five poorly written emails below, and then correct them. Be sure to utilize the options in MS Word to show all mark up and track changes and show all comments so that I can see all of your edits!

Minimum requirements:

Submit only one document via the link title above.
Use the review tools in MS Word as indicated
Place a header on your page that contains your first and last name, the assignment name, and the course code from page two of the syllabus.
Your document must be one of the following formats (.doc, .docx, or .rtf).
Cite any and all sources using APA.


To: Bobby Hogue

From: John Moore

Subject: Job?

Hey Bob, We talked a couple weeks back at the chamber of commerce event. (I was the one looking for a summer internship and had a zit on my lip that could have passed for a cold soar.

Lol. Whew. It was not. You’re probably like, “uh.. What?” Maybe that helps you recall, maybe not. Not completely important, I suppose.

I’d really like to come work for you

atyour IT business. You seemed like a cool person to work for, I liked ur striped pants. I’m available to start working on Monday, but I am taking my driver’s test in June and have to study and go an hour and half away to take it at an easier place cause I’m not a great driver so I’ll miss a few days. I am also going to the beach with friends for a week in July. Oh, and my grandmother has bad gas (OMG IT’S TERRIBLE) and sometimes I have to take her to the doctor.

I’ve attached my resume, it’s the bomb dot com. Let me know if you have a job opening for me. I can’t wait to play on some computers. If I don’t respond to your email, I’m always on FB, snapchat or insta!

Peace out, Ginny Moore


From: Heather D

CC: Every single human Heather has ever emailed

Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: OMG funny pictures of hilariousness

OMG this is the best email

I’ve seen all day.

Hope you it. -Delight


From: Karen Grode

To: Anastasia Simoncini

Subject: …

Did you see what

Bratney is wearing today? She looks stupid. I mean, that color lipstick? She’s probably trying to get Bryan’s attention. And did you hear her sucking up to the boss. I can’t stand it. Like, we all work hard. AM I RIGHT?


From: Christina Tintle

To: Caroline Sherp

Subject: Today’s Meeting

Hey beautiful!

I am looking forward to seeing you today for our meeting.

I’ve attached the materials needed for our discussion. Let me know if you have any questions.


Christina Tintle




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“Be so good they can’t ignore you.” –Steve Martin


To: Employer

From: Ty Keister

Subject: I need


der Employer, I wud like 2 apply 4 da job in customer service. I saw ur job on FB. I got my resume and added it to da email. I wudappreci8 ur response. -TK


To: Jimmy Slocum From: Adam Sandler

Subject: Presentation

Dear Mr. Sandler:

Can you send me the presentation from last week? I really enjoyed it!

