Hel completing a table, regression table and 2 graphs.


Your data can come from any source you like (typically online).Assignment details
Table: Your table must clearly convey whatever data it is presenting via clear labeling and styling.
Regression: Your regression table must be properly formatted as shown in the course Canvas videos. Graphs: Your graphs must each must be a different type. Example – for your 2 graphs you might choose:
1. A pair of histograms
2. A collection of box and whisker plots
3. A scatterplot
(can’t be a pie chart or bar graph)
But there are many others from which to choose, and you are encouraged to not just follow the above list.
RULE 1: I do not consider horizontal bar charts to be different from column charts, as one is just the other
turned on its side. Also, 3-dimensional charts are not different from 2-dimensional versions of the same
chart. A scatterplot with markers is not different from a scatterplot without markers, etc..
RULE 2: All your graphs must contain different data, with the exception being dates/time. For example,
the “two” graphs in Figure 1 would violate this rule as they’re just two versions of the same data.

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