hed 203 think models of addiction


Time to share what we know about addiction.

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hed 203 think models of addiction
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The purpose of this discussion is to

weave in the complex factors of addiction.
learn from peers.
combine your knowledge of addiction theory and regulation
propose sensible solutions based on intervention models and cost concerns
If you did not read ALL the articles in the last module, you will have a harder time doing this assignment. Go back and read them if you didn’t, especially the Portugal chapter.

Debates surrounding drug policy, use and recovery often center on the question of whether drugs should be decriminalized.

Decriminalization entails removing criminal penalties for personal drug use, while maintaining regulations and possibly implementing alternative approaches such as addiction treatment. Legalization would allow any and all drugs to avoid criminalization. This does not mean that there would be no consequences, it just means there would be no prison terms.

This was addressed in an earlier discussion, but now you know NEITHER work in isolation. This discussion goes one step further in that you need to tell us WHY prison alone does not work and WHY a complete drug use free for all does not work. Then we will explore models of recovery to think of solutions.

In a well-structured essay of 4 paragraphs (intro, criminalization, legalization, summary), explore the pros and cons of each strategy and use what you know about addictiveness to support your argument.


ONE Introduction paragraph: Provide a basic overview of the prevalence of drug use and harm in the US. Provide at least one fact on the costs; economic, personal &/or community to show us how big the problem is.

ONE paragraph on legalization and

ONE paragraph on criminalization

Each paragraph tells one pro and one con of each and why you think the con exists. Your “why” should be based on what we learned in the class based on addiction theory, social issues and/or what has happened with other programs.

Work in at least one concept of addiction theory (biology, psychology, or social) and/or outcomes to explain the pros and cons with each solution. Here are some questions to help you link how addiction works and how these issues complicate the regulation and rehabilitation of the problem.

Biological: How does the high jacking of dopamine make incarceration alone not work and how would the high jacking of dopamine could leave dangerous addicts who lack decision making on the streets.
Psychology: How does trauma and stress relate to criminalization of drug use and how would criminalization hurt mindset and how could criminalization help stress and trauma.
Social: How does knowing that marginalized people are more at risk for use and prosecution impact criminalization? How does the fact that addiction is generational (ie you are more likely to be an addict if you live with one) impact criminalizing and legalizing?
Outcomes: What sources tell us that the two choices work or don’t work? Use material and things you learned from the module about programs that did or did not work.
Need review? LINK to Addiction Theory Module.

ONE summary solution suggestion paragraph: Provide a short summary of the complex relationship of addiction and regulation (2-3 sentences max). Pick one strategy from above (legalization or criminalization) and provide a solution or parameter to make it a more effective solution. Make sure your solution addresses the reason you picked as to why an option is a con.

Do not just say, “rehabilitation instead” as you (should have) learned that in Oregon, people didn’t go and that 85% of prisoners don’t get it. Will it be mandatory? Where will it occur? Who will pay? Does it address the biological, social and psychological reasons? Will there be rules on amounts of drugs allowed? Will there be rules for repeat offenders?

Summary solution example:

Both criminalizing and legalizing drugs have their pros and cons. I think that (criminalizing or legalizing) is the better solution with the addition of (idea here that addresses one part of addiction theory ie biological, psychological or social reasons) This would help because (explain).


Reply with an academic response to a peer with a comment, contrast or comparison. Sure, add “good job” or “I agree” but that will not get you credit!

Grading & Feedback
Here is the generic grading rubric that is true for all discussions Grading Rubric for Discussions.docxDownload Grading Rubric for Discussions.docxHere is a specific rubric:
5 point- Introduction sentence
10 points- ONE paragraph overview and prevalence of drug misuse/addiction.

15 points: ONE paragraph on pros and cons of legalizing with support from addiction theory.
ex: Criminalizing drug use is ineffective because..(use theory here) Criminalizing does help because… (theory here) (5 points for each side, 5 in-text citations references)
15 points- ONE paragraph on pros and cons of criminalizing with support from addiction theory.
ex Legalizing drug use is ineffective because..(use theory here) Legalizing does help because..(theory here)
(5 points for each side, 5 in-text citations references)

15 points summary paragraph with your idea to augment either criminalizing or legalizing.
*see my example above and just substitute in your ideas if you need help!
5 references
5 cohesiveness of paper

This is a 70 point assignment. It must be at least 4 paragraphs, have in-text citations and references. You need a topic sentence and a summary. You need to follow the rubric.