Healthcare Policy and EBP, Critical thinking questions, national and international system of evidence



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Healthcare Policy and EBP, Critical thinking questions, national and international system of evidence
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The nursing profession interacts/overlaps with many other professions. So how does public policy, healthcare quality, safety, and practice influence evidence-based practice and nursing?


Brainstorm how the government or accrediting bodies influence if a healthcare organization implements evidence-based practice. Then, write a 200–250 word initial post considering how influence impacts the willingness to use evidence when providing patient care while addressing the discussion prompts. Respond to at least two of your peers’ posts.

Consider your places of employment or the clinical sites you have been to during various clinical rotations if you do not work in healthcare. Do the government and accrediting bodies impact the organization’s implementation of evidence-based practice?
Now consider your personal feelings about the government’s influence on the healthcare system. Research information that supports your personal feelings about government influence on healthcare. Use at least one source to support your personal feelings.
Now you’ll take this one step further. What role should the government have on the healthcare system? Provide arguments for or against governmental influence.

Critical Thinking Questions
Create a Microsoft Word document and answer the following questions based on this module’s readings. Your response should be a minimum of 3–5 sentences in length, original (in your own words), and use professional writing.
Choose any other healthcare system in the world and compare it with the U.S. healthcare system. What are the benefits and issues as the system relates to the use of evidence-based practices?
In your own words, what is the role of the AHRQ in evidence-based practice?
Quality improvement and evidence-based practice seem to go hand in hand. Summarize the influence of evidence-based practice and quality and safety outcomes.

National and International Systems of Evidence
In this module, you read about the national and international systems of evidence. Complete the following steps to expand upon this knowledge.Step 1: Search the internet and locate the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and National Health Service (NHS) websites.Step 2: Find the mission statement for each agency.Step 3: Read the information on both websites, and take notes about what you think the role of each agency is in health care delivery and evidence-based practice.Step 4: Compare and contrast the mission and roles of each agency, and list how they are alike and how they are different in a grid or table.Using the information located in your search, respond to the critical thinking questions. Each response should be original (in your own words) and a minimum of 2–3 sentences in length.
Critical Thinking Questions
What keywords did you use to locate AHRQ and NHS?
In what ways were the mission statements of AHRQ and NHS similar and different?
What system, if any, takes a more active role in influencing the health and safety of its population?
How is healthcare paid for in each system?
How does evidence-based practice influence healthcare policy?
What system do you think would benefit your family more?