Healthcare Policy and Development


Contact the individual to conduct an interview about the policy.Based on what you learned this week, be sure to include the following information in your interview

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Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment (110 points)
Financing healthcare is one of the greatest priorities for the healthcare system in Saudi Arabia. While
policymakers agree that more Saudi nationals need health insurance coverage, the debate often revolves
around how it should be financed. Identify a healthcare professional who works primarily in the area of
finance (e.g., Chief Financial Officer, Controller, etc.) and a specific policy that addresses the financial
aspect of delivering healthcare. Contact the individual to conduct an interview about the policy.
Based on what you learned this week, be sure to include the following information in your interview:
• Identify the interviewee, including their job title, place of employment, location, and how long they
have been in the area of finance.
• The goals and objectives of your interview.
• Description of the finance policy.
• What were some of the benefits of the policy?
• What are the challenges of meeting the requirements outlined in the policy?
• What can be done to improve the effectiveness of the policy?
Here are some suggested questions:
1. What are the mission and vision statements for your organization?
2. How do these mission and vision statements assist in helping your organization focus on healthy
living promotions?
3. How are the daily operations for your organization meeting policy? What are some of the areas
that may lead to improvement regarding any policy updates?
4. What are some of the challenges that you are currently experiencing with your policy revisions?
5. What are some of the benefits your policy is providing to patients or clients?
6. What are some of the recommendations that you may have regarding policy improvement both
internally and externally?
Your report should meet the following structural requirements:
• Be 7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages.
• Be formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing guidelines.
• Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.
The Saudi Digital Library is an excellent source for scholarly research. One of these sources may
be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures.
Module 12
Healthcare Policy
Analysis and
Instructor Name
Module 12 Learning Outcomes
1. Evaluate Saudi public health policies associated with the financing and
delivery of health services.
2. Compare and contrast how determinants of health can shape priorities
of healthcare agendas.
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Pre-diabetes and Diabetes in Saudi Arabia
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Reason to Study Diabetic Risk
●Marital status
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
KSA Study Results
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Policy Implications
●Need for guidelines and strategies
●Diabetes is a health concern
●Comes with physical and financial concerns
●Primary health care can educate patients before
Diabetes occurs
●Risk factors
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Elder Health in Saudi Arabia
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Challenges of Caring for Elderly
●Lack of human capital
●Poor understanding of needs
●Overwhelmed institutions
●Unique health needs
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Studying a Population
●Understand specific demographics
●Need for evidence-based national policies
●Public intervention programs
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
National Survey for Elderly Health (SNSEH)
●Looks at those >60
●To guide national healthcare policy
●Focused on
○Common health problems
○Available health services
○Health service utilization
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Results of SNSEH
●Most Saudi citizens are still young
●Can use this data as intervention for the future
●Preventing disability and disease
●Active engagement increases cognitive ability
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
National Strategies for Aging
●“Care for Older Adults” Program
●National programs guided by data
●Ministry of Health creating age-friendly primary
health centers
●Home care programs
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Regulation of Medical Devices
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA)
●Verification review
●Chemistry and manufacturing
●Nonclinical data
●Clinical data
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
SFDA Continued
●The review process takes about 420 calendar days
●Six measures
○Standard operating procedures
○Quality assurance department
○Use of scientific committees
○Good review practice system
○Shared and joint reviews
○Assessment templates
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
Medical Device Summary
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Lecture
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Module 12 Critical Thinking
● Identify someone in the healthcare field who may have created
a policy or assessment to improve healthy living. Contact that
individual to conduct an interview about the policy.
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Take advantage of this opportunity
to seek further clarification.
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
Next Live Session

HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
● Aldossari, K. K., Aldiab, A., Al-Zahrani, J. M., Al-Ghamdi, S. H.,
Abdelrazik, M., Batais, M. A., … & El-Metwally, A. (2018). Prevalence of
prediabetes, diabetes, and its associated risk factors among males in
Saudi Arabia: A population-based survey. Journal of Diabetes Research,
2018. Retrieved from
● Khoja, A. T., Aljawadi, M. H., Al-Shammari, S. A., Mohamed, A. G., AlManaa, H. A., Morlock, L., … & Khoja, T. A. (2018). The health of Saudi
older adults; results from the Saudi National Survey for Elderly Health
(SNSEH) 2006–2015. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 26(2), 292-300.
Retrieved from
● Mashaki Ceyhan, E., Gürsöz, H., Alkan, A., Coşkun, H., Koyuncu, O., &
Walker, S. (2018). The Turkish medicines and medical devices agency:
Comparison of its registration process with Australia, Canada, Saudi
Arabia, and Singapore. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 9. Retrieved from
HCM550 Healthcare Policy Analysis and Development
This concludes our live
Thank you for your attendance!

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