Health & Medical Question


I have this assignment due and I will provide all the information and if you can finish it earlier I will appreciate it and if there is anything let me know.

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Discussion 1 – My biggest health concern is…….(Required)

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Discussion Board Assignment 1 takes place Week 5. Original post due Wednesday 11/8 by 11:59 pm. Your two required reply posts must be submitted by Friday 11/10 by 11:59 pm.

General Instructions: This assignment is an interactive, posting-based discussion activity created to encourage interaction between students as well as student and instructor. Each discussion board activity is focused on a central theme with corresponding questions. Your participation will be graded based on the completion of required tasks (listed below) and the depth of analysis and engagement in your posts.

You are required to write one main post and two reply posts.
Each post must include at least one unique source of outside information which supports your ideas/analysis. Each source must then be properly cited at the end of the post. (For assistance, refer to this citation formatting link.
Do not simply paste the URL.)
Your posts MUST be written at a professional level, like any other written college assignment. This includes correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as a minimum length of 250 words. If you need assistance in English writing, please access the Grossmont Writing Center and/or the Purdue Owl Writing Center online.

Remember: the assignment is to get you talking about what you have discovered. Use specific examples both in your answers to the questions and in your responses to other students’ postings. Check out the Grading Rubric

(Discussion Board Rubric 120).

Discussion Board Assignment 1 Instructions:

1) Read the PowerPoint slides about the 7 dimensions of Health and Wellness (physical, intellectual, psychological, spiritual, social, environmental, and occupational) , and then:

2) Describe a health concern you have, that you feel comfortable sharing with the class (example: risk factor for diabetes, or not getting enough sleep, or having anger issues).

3) State and explain which dimension your health concern belongs in (example: diabetes risk, and not getting enough sleep is the physical dimension, anger issues are in the psychological dimension).

4) Describe a plan ( action steps needed to address this concern) that you are doing or would like to do, to move toward better health in this area Reference an outside source which supports this plan and include a proper citation for this source at the end.

5) Submit your post by clicking on Reply, typing/pasting your post into the text box, and then clicking Post Reply.

6) Respond to at least 2 other student’s posts by reading their thread and clicking on the reply button. Your response needs to have some depth by giving specific examples of why you are saying what you are saying- In other words, don’t simply post ” that was a great idea you had”. See example posts below.

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Discussion Board 1 post Example:
Original post:
As of now, my main health concern is my current sleeping habits. According to our course’s material,
this falls into the physical dimension, as the “optimal physical health includes…getting enough sleep”
(Lynch, Smith, Kotecki et al.). I had a hectic schedule last semester, as the number of units I took became
overwhelming for me. Due to the amount of workload, I would only have 3-4 hours of sleep. To keep me
awake during class, I would normally drink coffee, but had a tendency to lose track of how much
caffeine I consumed. With sleep deprivation and the amount of coffee I had, I would usually “crash”
during the day, and I would sleep for most of the afternoon. I continued to do this throughout the rest
of the semester, and realized I kept this sleeping habit through summer break as well, despite not
having such a busy schedule anymore. I noticed how lethargic and counterproductive I felt, as I wasn’t
really getting a good start for goals I had set for this summer.
During break, I decided to take online classes only, in hopes that it will help provide me with the
flexibility I need to start fixing my sleeping habits. To achieve this, I should keep tabs on the amount of
caffeine I consume, decrease my caffeine intake to a more moderate level, and make sure I consume it 6
hours before sleeping, at the very least (Sleep Education). In addition, I should also try to start sleeping
around 10 p.m., and gradually work my way to an earlier time. (260 Word count)
Lynch, A., Vail-Smith, K., Kotecki, J. E., & Bonazzoli, L. (2018). Choosing health (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.
Reply post 1: (written in response to a student that wants to quit smoking)
Hi Jeremy,
I can totally relate to your situation. I too started smoking in high school and tried to quit for 3 years. I
finally was successful when I looked into a “smoke enders” group at work. This was a work sponsored
group that included just employees at my job. This was great because we all were in the same boat, and
when it came to break time, we would all look at each other and know that we couldn’t go out and
smoke without the others knowing about it. This made us super accountable, and it worked! Good luck
with your plan of using the Vape pens in your journey to quit the nicotine addiction. Those weren’t
around when I was trying to quit so I don’t know much about them. I do know it’s hard to quit, but it is
really worth the effort.
Kickit 2021. Accessed 3/21/22
Reply post 2: (written in response to a student whose health concern is being bullied because
they identify as transgender)
Wow Abel- after reading your post, I have so much respect for your courage and honesty. I was never
bullied at school for my gender identity, so I don’t know what that would be like. I wanted to respond to
your post because I wanted you to know that there are other students, and people in this world, who
support you, and hopefully would stand up for you if we ever witnessed you or someone else being
bullied for who you are. I think your plan to talk to an instructor that you trust and let them know what
happened is a good start, but I’m not sure if that will stop you from being bullied on campus. I know we
have a “Safe Zone” program at Grossmont (the number to call is 619-644-7403) if you want to check it
out. Thanks again for being to open and willing to talk about your health concern- you rock!
Grossmont College “Safe Zone” program. Contact phone number is: 619-644-7403

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