Health & Medical Question


Search the clinical management and health informatics literature to find 4-6 articles or more (
publication date no more than five years old) describing the use of applications in any of the
following IT technologies:
– Improving cancer patient experience with palliative care assessment.
– Home monitoring to support patients during cancer treatment.
– Home monitoring to support patients with heart disease.
– Home monitoring to support patients with dementia.
– Home monitoring to support patients with diabetes care.
– Home monitoring to support patients with dialysis.
– Home monitoring to support female patients with a high-risk pregnancy.
– Home monitoring to support pediatric care
– Care Management of chronic diseases in a hospice setting.
– Applications to support Telepsychiatry.
Summarize the articles on 3-4 pages (font size 12 and 1.5 line space).
In your summary, focus on the following questions:
– What are the critical points of the articles? (Problem, objectives, methodology, findings,
discussion, etc.)
– What are the critical challenges in the chosen topic and articles?
– What are the needs to use IT technologies to address the challenges?
– What are the implementation benefits, challenges, and limitations?
– What are the needed guidelines, if needed, to follow to implement solutions?
– What are the articles’ lessons learned and future direction.

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