Health & Medical Question



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Health & Medical Question
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In last week’s activity, you asked a finance-related question that is of operational importance to your department. In this assignment, you will dive deeper into the question.


Review the Villa Health Financial Statement Analysis scenario as needed. Conduct general research on the hospital department you have chosen to better understand how it operates, particularly in areas related to its finances.


In the weeks after the Villa Health Board meeting, your department is facing a large staffing shortage that has resulted in a significant increase in overtime costs. Your department needs to address the ensuing budget shortfall and share the plan with senior leadership.


Considering the scenario, create a brief for senior leadership that shares your initial steps for addressing the budget shortfall. In your brief, include the following:

Explain which three financial statements or figures would likely reveal useful insights into the causes or solutions to the problem.
Suggest three reasonable options for addressing the specified budget shortfall with detail that would inform decision-making.
Justify your choice of the best option by providing an effective analysis of its pros and cons.
Provide reasonable and specific projections of how this action would impact the financial statements or figures you selected in the first bullet point.
“Specific projections” should include the general magnitude and direction of changes and not necessarily specific numbers.
You needn’t focus on actual amounts or perform detailed accounting projections; you are merely seeking to provide insight into areas and the magnitude of change (general direction) caused by the action(s).

Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Analyze health care finance models and practices.

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Week 4 Assignment – Addressing a Budget Shortfall

Week 4 Assignment – Addressing a Budget Shortfall
Criteria Ratings Pts
Explain three financial statements or figures that would likely reveal the useful insights into the causes or solutions to a stated problem. (25%)

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37.5 to >33.74 pts


Explained three financial statements or figures that would likely reveal the useful insights into the causes or solutions to a stated problem in detail.

33.74 to >30 pts


Explained three financial statements or figures that would likely reveal the useful insights into the causes or solutions to a stated problem but lacked detail to support the assertions.

30 to >26.24 pts

Needs Improvement

Identified financial statements or figures that would be unlikely to reveal useful insights into the causes or solutions to a stated problem.

26.24 to >0 pts


Failed to identify financial statements or figures that would reveal insights into the causes or solutions to a stated problem.

/ 37.5 pts

Suggest three reasonable options for addressing a budget shortfall with detail that would inform decision-making. (15%)

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22.5 to >20.24 pts


Suggested three reasonable options for addressing the specified budget shortfall with detail that would inform decision-making.

20.24 to >18 pts


Suggested three reasonable options for addressing the specified budget shortfall, but they lacked sufficient detail to inform decision-making.

18 to >15.74 pts

Needs Improvement

Suggested unreasonable options for addressing the specified budget shortfall.

15.74 to >0 pts


Failed to identify options for addressing the specified budget shortfall.

/ 22.5 pts

Justify the choice of the best option for addressing the specified budget shortfall by providing a supported analysis of its pros and cons. (25%)

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37.5 to >33.74 pts


Justified the choice of the best option for addressing a budget shortfall by providing a supported analysis of its pros and cons.

33.74 to >30 pts


Described the rationale for a choice of the best option for addressing a budget shortfall but failed to justify it with a supported analysis of its pros and cons.

30 to >26.24 pts

Needs Improvement

Described an unreasonable choice for addressing a budget shortfall.

26.24 to >0 pts


Did not describe a choice of an option for addressing a budget shortfall.

/ 37.5 pts

Project how an action will reasonably impact selected financial statements or figures. (25%)

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37.5 to >33.74 pts


Provided reasonable and specific projections of how an action would impact selected financial statements or figures.

33.74 to >30 pts


Provided unreasonable or unspecified projections of how an action would impact selected financial statements or figures.

30 to >26.24 pts

Needs Improvement

Provided unreasonable and unspecified projections of how an action would impact selected financial statements or figures.

26.24 to >0 pts


Failed to project how an action will impact selected financial statements or figures.

/ 37.5 pts

Produce writing that contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling in accordance with SWS style. (5%)

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7.5 to >6.74 pts


Produced writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate SWS style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling with 0–2 errors.

6.74 to >6 pts


Produced writing that attempts to be clear and well organized and to apply appropriate SWS style. Writing contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There may be occasional errors (1–2), but they do not impact the ability of the reader to understand the writing.

6 to >5.24 pts

Needs Improvement

Produced writing that has noticeable issues with clarity, organization, and the application of SWS style. Writing contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are multiple errors (3–4) that distract from the reader’s ability to understand the writing.

5.24 to >0 pts


Produced writing that lacks clarity, organization, or does not apply SWS style. There are significant issues with grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Overall, errors are significant in number (5 or more), and the reader will have difficulty understanding the writing.

/ 7.5 pts

Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (5%)

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7.5 to >6.74 pts


Used at least three sources to support writing. Chose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cited each source listed on the source page at least one time within the assignment.

6.74 to >6 pts


Cited required number of sources but not all sources are credible, relevant, or appropriate; or sources were not cited within the assignment.

6 to >5.24 pts

Needs Improvement

Did not cite the required number of sources or cited required number of sources but sources are not credible, relevant, or appropriate.

5.24 to >0 pts


Did not cite any sources.

/ 7.5 pts