Health & Medical Question


n last week’s activity, you summarized health information technology (HIT) areas of concern from the Villa Health Informatics Infrastructure scenario. This week, you will select and examine a HIT device or system designed to both improve the quality of patient care and confer cost efficiencies or savings within a clinical setting.

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Choose and research a widely adopted HIT device or system designed to improve the quality of patient care while conferring cost efficiencies or savings within a clinical setting. Some examples include but are not limited to:

Electronic medical records (EMRs).
Imaging systems.
Emergency room technology.
Robotic surgery.

Note: Choose a generic solution type, not a specific one made by a particular manufacturer.


Conduct a rigorous evaluation of the HIT solution that you have selected in which you:

Briefly describe the solution and summarize why it has been widely adopted.
Evaluate a significant improvement to patient care that this HIT claims to confer that considers the most prominent arguments for its adoption. Provide a specific example to illustrate.
Compare the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution versus a commonly used alternative(s) that would effectively inform a decision to adopt it or not.
The reason multiple alternatives might need to be considered is that some alternatives may require more than one system or “solution” to achieve similar results to the system that you have identified.
Describe the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run your chosen HIT in sufficient detail to inform a decision to adopt it.
Describe the common barriers to adopting this technology. Select one and share a way(s) that providers have effectively overcome that barrier.

Use at least five sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Evaluate health care technology, informatics, and quality assurance.

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Week 10 Assignment – HIT Evaluation

Week 10 Assignment – HIT Evaluation
Criteria Ratings Pts
Describe a HIT solution and provide a plausible explanation of why it has been widely adopted. (20%)

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40 to >36 pts


Described a HIT solution and provided a plausible explanation of why it has been widely adopted.

36 to >32 pts


Described a HIT solution but failed to provided a plausible explanation of why it has been widely adopted.

32 to >28 pts

Needs Improvement

Described a widely adopted HIT solution.

28 to >0 pts


Did not describe a widely adopted HIT solution.

/ 40 pts

Evaluate a significant improvement to patient care that a HIT claims to confer that considers the most prominent arguments for its adoption. Provide a specific example to illustrate. (20%)

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40 to >36 pts


Evaluated a significant improvement to patient care that a HIT claims to confer that considers the most prominent arguments for its adoption. Provided a specific example to illustrate.

36 to >32 pts


Evaluated a significant improvement to patient care that a HIT claims to confer that considers the prominent arguments for its adoption but failed to provide a specific example to illustrate.

32 to >28 pts

Needs Improvement

Described an improvement to patient care that a HIT claims to confer, or provided an evaluation with significant errors or omissions.

28 to >0 pts


Did not described an improvement to patient care that a HIT claims to confer.

/ 40 pts

Compare the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution vs. a commonly used alternative(s) that would effectively inform a decision of whether or not to adopt it. (20%)

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40 to >36 pts


Compared the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution vs. a commonly used alternative(s) that would effectively inform a decision of whether or not to adopt it.

36 to >32 pts


Compared the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution vs. a commonly used alternative(s) that would inform a decision of whether or not to adopt it, but with small errors or omissions.

32 to >28 pts

Needs Improvement

Compared the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution vs. a commonly used alternative(s) that would not effectively inform a decision of whether or not to adopt it, due to significant errors or omissions.

28 to >0 pts


Did not compare the cost savings or efficiencies of deploying the solution vs. a commonly used alternative(s).

/ 40 pts

Accurately describe the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run a HIT in sufficient detail to inform a decision to adopt it. (20%)

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40 to >36 pts


Accurately described the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run a HIT in sufficient detail to inform a decision to adopt it.

36 to >32 pts


Accurately described the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run a HIT but with detail insufficient to inform a decision to adopt it.

32 to >28 pts

Needs Improvement

Described the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run a HIT but with significant errors or omissions.

28 to >0 pts


Did not describe the resources that are required to implement, maintain, and run a HIT.

/ 40 pts

Describe common barriers to adopting a technology and share a way(s) that providers have effectively overcome one of them. (10%)

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20 to >18 pts


Described common barriers to adopting a technology and shared a way(s) that providers have effectively overcome one of them.

18 to >16 pts


Described common barriers to adopting a technology, but failed to share a way(s) that providers have effectively overcome one of them.

16 to >14 pts

Needs Improvement

Described common barriers to adopting a technology.

14 to >0 pts


Did not describe common barriers to adopting a technology.

/ 20 pts

Produce writing that contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling in accordance with SWS style. (10%)

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20 to >18 pts


Produced writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate SWS style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling with 0–2 errors.

18 to >16 pts


Produced writing that attempts to be clear and well organized and to apply appropriate SWS style. Writing contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There may be occasional errors (1–2), but they do not impact the ability of the reader to understand the writing.

16 to >14 pts

Needs Improvement

Produced writing that has noticeable issues with clarity, organization, and the application of SWS style. Writing contains some errors in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. There are multiple errors (3–4) that distract from the reader’s ability to understand the writing.

14 to >0 pts


Produced writing that lacks clarity, organization, or does not apply SWS style. There are significant issues with grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Overall, errors are significant in number (5 or more), and the reader will have difficulty understanding the writing.

/ 20 pts

Total Points: 0

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