Health Management



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As a senior manager at LiveWell, you have been invited to participate in a planning committee exploring new programs and processes that will increase LiveWell’s appeal to internal and external customers. The committee is called “We Improve Life at LiveWell” (WILL).

This WILL committee is a working committee, so you get assigned a task each time you attend a meeting. Each team member completes their assignment and then returns it to the committee for consideration and use. The committee’s purpose is to evaluate planning ideas by comparing both internal and external stakeholders concerning each idea. This will ensure that LiveWell has completed a full assessment prior to moving forward with a process change or service expansion.

At the first meeting, you are asked to provide a summary of regulations that apply and impact the new healthcare programs and processes – the intended goal of WILL.

At the second meeting, you bring the table on regulations to the meeting and two other team members, Tomika and Alex, bring in the following data Table B – Other External Stakeholders and Table C – Internal Stakeholders. You are asked to evaluate stakeholders for each planning proposal below:

Speedy Registration – LiveWell might deploy a new registration process that is 25% quicker by removing all documents and forms that a patient has to sign at registration. (Forms: Medical Release Form; Permission to Treat; Assignment of Insurance; HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices, etc.).
Physician Bonus Program – LiveWell is considering a bonus for any physician that increases the number of radiology tests ordered by 10% each month -the physician will receive a $1000 bonus.
On-site Childcare – LiveWell has identified 1500 square feet on the first floor and might use the space for an employee childcare facility.
Cancer Center Growth – LiveWell promoting the satellite lab at the Cancer Center. Every new patient seen at the cancer center will get a minimum of 3 lab tests ordered to ensure that the new cancer center satellite lab is busy and meets the lab test quota goals.

At the third meeting, you are asked to compare the evaluation of stakeholders, determine the ranking of each of the planning proposals, and select your first choice out of the four planning proposals.


Part One – Regulations Research

Download the following document, Deliverable 01 – Evaluation of Regulations and Stakeholders

for guidance and table examples.


Research the following regulations:

Stark Law
Accountable Care Act
Anti-Kickback Statute

Document your research by providing the following information:

Provide name of regulation and date of origin
Summary for each of the four regulations in your own words in easy to understand, complete sentences.
Provide citation of government website(s) with .gov extension used for researching regulations.

Part Two – Evaluate Stakeholders

Evaluate the stakeholders using:
Table A – External Stakeholder – Government: Regulations (that you created in Part One)
Table B – Other External Stakeholders

Table B – Other External Stakeholders.pdf

Table C – Internal Stakeholders

Table C – Internal Stakeholders.pdf

Identify one stakeholder from each of the three tables, plus one additional stakeholder:
External Stakeholder – Government: Regulation Stakeholder (from Table A)
Other Ext Stakeholder (from Table B)
Internal Stakeholder (from Table C)
Additional Stakeholder (select from any table)
Determine whether the stakeholder would or would not support the planning proposal and mark as “yes” or “no” for support.
Justify your reasoning by explaining why you determined the stakeholder would or would not support the planning proposal.

Part Three – Ranking and Rationale for Planning Proposals

Rank each of the planning proposals from 1 to 4 by using the results from the evaluation of stakeholders for each of the four planning proposals.
1 – the best choice for the committee to pursue.
4 – last choice.
Provide a rationale on the ranking that explains your decision-making.

General Requirements

Uses professional language and tone with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation in the evaluation of regulations and stakeholders with tables for each part.
Provides at least one credible, government source as an APA formatted reference.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Deliverable 01
Table B – External Stakeholders
B-Other External Stakeholders
Factors that Impact LiveWell’s Success
Insurance Companies
Direct how much LiveWell gets paid and determine what LiveWell services are payable.
Suppliers to LiveWell
Establish the cost for their services to LiveWell and this impacts what we charge for our service to
Area Employers and Businesses
Insure their employees and their insurance choice will impact LiveWell’s patient volume.
Technology Providers
Establish the cost for their services to LiveWell and this impacts what we charge for our service to
Social Service Providers
Serve patients in the area and have power to refer patients to LiveWell or refer patients to other
healthcare providers.
Local Trade Unions
Lead their members; Their insurance and healthcare suggestions will impact LiveWell’s patient
Non-employed Physicians and
Serve patients in the area and have power to refer patients to LiveWell or refer patients to other
healthcare providers. They also have opinions on healthcare and can impact the reputation of
Patients and patient family
Make choices on where to receive healthcare and have opinions on healthcare which can impact
the reputation of LiveWell.
Deliverable 01 – Evaluation of Regulations and Stakeholders
You can choose to use these examples or create your own tables to fill with the required information.
Part One – Regulations Research
A- External Stakeholder-Government: Regulations
Name and Date of Origin of
Your own words to summarize-original writing, easy to
follow and understand. Complete sentences.
Citation of .gov Website in APA
Part Two – Evaluate Stakeholders
You will need to evaluate stakeholders for each of the four planning proposals. The first planning proposal “Speedy
Registration” has been started for you as an example, make sure to complete the last two rows.
Planning Committee Proposal
Category of Stakeholder
External Stakeholder – Government: Regulation
Stakeholder (from Table A):
Speedy Registration
Yes or
Other Ext Stakeholder (from Table B): Patients
Internal Stakeholder (from Table C):
Additional Stakeholder (select from any table):
HIPAA is a federal law that requires a patient be informed of their privacy
rights each year. This change in registration means that the federal law can’t
be followed because the HIPAA form would be eliminated. This would
jeopardize LiveWell’s future because of legal issues.
Patients will notice and appreciate the expedited registration process. They
would support this because of the time savings.
Part Three – Ranking and Rationale for Planning Proposals
Now rank each of the planning proposals from 1 to 4 and provide a rationale on your ranking that explains your decisionmaking.
Category of Stakeholder
Speedy Registration
Physician Bonus Program
On-Site Childcare
Cancer Center Growth
Your Comparison 1st Choice Proposal
Choices 1-4
Deliverable 01
Table C – Internal Stakeholders
C- Internal Stakeholders
Factor that Impact LiveWell’s Success
Perform the work at LiveWell.
First Line Managers
Organizes employees and facilitates their efforts to ensure that goals are met.
Human Resource Department
Ensures that staffing is full; benefits and payroll are managed; facilitates training efforts.
Owned Technology and Equipment
Used in the completion of job tasks such as patient care and in ancillary services plus responsible for
building comfort management, for example.
Financial Stability
Assets ensure that employees are paid, supplies are available, equipment is present, and the building
is lit and comfortable for habitation, for example.

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