Health Care Informatics NGR 6871


Writing Assignment Content The CMS considers patient engagement a quality metric for a learning healthcare system. ●Patient engagement is a major focal point of stage 2 MU of HER. ●Patient Engagement in Health and Health Care Framework by Carman et al. presents different forms and levels of patient engagement across the healthcare system. ●Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care recognizes the vital role families play by providing emotional, social, and developmental support, ensuring the health and well-being of all family members ●The Level of Engagement with Health Care framework considers the engagement, quality, and safety of mobile apps. Clinicians can identify trustworthy apps that serve the engagement of high-need, high-cost populations. Consider content covered in chapter 5 concerning policy changes in the United States and the strategic plan needed to improve care and drive down cost through health information technology. Give at least 3 examples of an information technology policy change that has supported patient engagement. Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be minimally 4 pages not counting the cover page and references.

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Writing Assignment Content
The CMS considers patient engagement a quality metric for a learning healthcare system.
● Patient engagement is a major focal point of stage 2 MU of HER.
● Patient Engagement in Health and Health Care Framework by Carman et al. presents different
forms and levels of patient engagement across the healthcare system.
● Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care recognizes the vital role families play by
providing emotional, social, and developmental support, ensuring the health and well-being of all
family members
● The Level of Engagement with Health Care framework considers the engagement, quality, and
safety of mobile apps. Clinicians can identify trustworthy apps that serve the engagement of highneed, high-cost populations.
Consider content covered in chapter 5 concerning policy changes in the United States and the
strategic plan needed to improve care and drive down cost through health information
technology. Give at least 3 examples of an information technology policy change that has
supported patient engagement.
Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be minimally 4 pages not counting the cover
page and references.

Integration of Knowledge
25% of total result
The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in
the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides
concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.
The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and has applied concepts
learned in the course. Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the
The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied
concepts learned in the course
The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood, and applied concepts
learned in the course.

Topic Focus
25% of total result
The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement
provides direction for the paper, either by a statement of a position or hypothesis. The
topic is consistently well thought out, thorough offers insight into the topic, and includes
cited evidence to support the topic.
The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer
has not established a position. The topic is somewhat well thought out, offers limited
insight into the topic, but does not include cited evidence to support the topic.
The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.
The topic is unclear or unrelated to the discussion topic with little or no supporting
Depth of Discussion and Cohesiveness
25% of total result
In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper. Ties together information from all
sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next with no headings. The author’s writing
demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources
Mostly, it ties together information from all sources. There is an introduction and a conclusion in
the submission.
In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the paper. Mostly, it ties together
information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. The author’s writing
demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.
There is an introduction and a conclusion in the submission.
The writer has omitted content. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas
excessively. Sometimes ties together information from all sources. The paper does not flow.
Disjointedness is apparent. The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between material obtained from all sources. There is an introduction and/or
conclusion in the submission, but not both.
Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections It does
not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues.
Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate an understanding of any
relationship. There is NO introduction or conclusion in the submission.

7% of total result
4 current sources are used and are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books.
Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest
sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited. All websites
utilized are authoritative.
Used 3 current sources, which are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. All
websites utilized are authoritative.
Used 2 current sources which are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All
websites utilized are credible.
Fewer than 2 current sources are used which are peer-reviewed journal articles or
scholarly books. Not all websites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.

APA adherence and Citation in text
6% of total result
Fewer than 5 incomplete citations and/or quotations, and APA format errors
More than 5 but fewer than 10 incomplete citations and/or quotations, and APA format
More than 10 incomplete citations and/or quotations, or APA format errors.
The citation style is inconsistent or incorrect. It does not cite sources. The paper submitted
is NOT in APA Format.

Spelling and Grammar
12% of total result
Fewer than 5 grammatical, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors The required
word count has been met.
More than 5 but fewer than 10 grammatical, spelling, capitalization & punctuation errors
The required word count is 25 words below the minimum required count.
More than 10 grammatical, spelling, capitalization & punctuation errors The required
word count is 50 words below the minimum required count.
An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes. The required word count
is more than 50 words below the minimum required count.

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