Health and medical


1. Anemia of liver cell failure is

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a- microcytic hypochromic anemia b- normocytic normochromic anemia

c- macrocytic d- All of the above

2. Auto- immune hemolutic anemia is charactrized by all the following except

a- + ve comb’s test (direct – indirect) b- abnormal HB electrophersis

c- splenomegaly d- increease retics

3. Iron deficency anemia may be caused by

a- chronic blood loss b-ancylostoma

c-malnutration d- all of the above

4. Iron deficency anemia may be caused by all the following except

a- decrease intake b- chronic blood loss

c- decrease folate d- pregnancy.

5. In iron deficency anemia there is

a- high ferritin b- high TICB c- both

6. In chronic iron deficency anemia there is

a- reticulocytosis b- high TICB c- high serum ferritin

7. Wich of the following is X- linked disease

a- G6PD deficency b- pyruvate kinase deficiency

c- sicke cell anemia d- spherocytosis

8. Aplastic anemia is charactrized by all except

a- microcytic hypochromic anemia b- low reticulocyte count

c- thrombocytopenia d- leukpenia

9. Sickle cell anemia is associated with

a- high ESR b- diastolic murmur over precordium

c- high serum iron d- fish mouth vertebra

10. Splenoctomy is indicated in the following except

a- hypersplenism b- spherocytosis

c- sickle cell anemia d- ITP

11. Feature of sickle cell anemia include the following except

a- leg ulcer b- aseptic bone necrosis c- huge spleen

12. All of the following is pancytopenia causes except

a- megalobastic b- aplastic

c- hypersplenism d- sideroblastic anemia

13. Sign of vit b 12 deficency anemia

a- periphral neuropathy b- tremors c- diarrhea

14. In pernicious anemia there is

a- deficent intrinsic factor b- high vit b 12

c- abnormal BM picture d- all of the above e- none of the above

15. Senile neutrophil < segmental > are commonly seen in

a- spherocytosis b- megaloblastic

c- lymphoma d- acute appendicitis

16. In TTT of megaloblastic anemia

a- folic acid should be given before vit b 12

b- vit b 12 should be given before folic acid

c- given together

d- oral iron should be given at first

17. One of the following is not consider a sign of hemolytic anemia

a- pallor b- splenomegaly c- itching marking

18. Hemolytic anemia is charactrized by the following except

a- hemolytic juindice b- gall stone

c- hemolytic crisis d- normal life span of red cell

19. The feature of hemolytic anemia is

a- leucopenia b- reticuloctosis c- both

20. Complication of hemolytic anemia

a- gall stone b- renal failure c- HTN

21. Red cell osmotic fragility is increased in

a- thalassemia major b- hereditary sperocytosis

c- iron deficiency anemia d- Hbc disease

22. Splenoctomy is virtually curative in

a- G6PD b- ITP

c- thalassemia d- hereditary spherocytosis

23. Ham’s test used in diagnosis of

a- spherocytosis b-paroxysmal noctouranl hemoglobinuria

c- anemia with chronic disease d- lymphoma

24. Causes of abdominal pain in thalassemia caused by all except

a- vasculitis b- splenic infraction

c- dragging pain due to splenomegaly d- pigment stone due to induced biliary cyst.

25. Hba2 is high in

a- thalasemia b- vit b12 deficency

c- sideroblastic anemia d- iron difecency anemia

26. Thalassemia major is inheritant as

a- autosomal recessive b- autosomal co-dominant

c- x- linked d- mitochondrial inheritance