HCM 481- Module 6: Critical Thinking


Leadership Impact on Successful Organizations

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In our Module 6 lecture you investigated the importance of strategic leadership and the crucial role in leading teams towards achieving organizational objectives. Review the attached SIMMULATION and complete the following assignment requirements on the importance that leadership and teamwork play in overall strategic planning, management, and project implementation. This Memo document will be included as an attachment in my final portfolio projectsubmission.

You will create a memo (2 – 3 paragraphs) addressed to the organization’s CEO.
Include observations and important highlights from the simulation content that support the importance of effective leadership and team functionality. Relate this to the business plan you are formulating for the Mod 8 portfolio assignment.
Your submission must follow the Memo Format (attached)
Include an appendix with two current (within the past 5 years) credible references that will serve as reading recommendations for the CEO.

My Portfolio Project:

For this project, you are to evaluate an existing service line or program (such as a diabetes management program, comprehensive oncology center, geriatric wing of a hospital, etc.) for an actual/real healthcare organization. You may select a hospital, integrated medical group, day surgery facility, nursing home, or urgent care facility within your own community. If your current employer falls into one of the categories, you may use your current employer/organization for this project. For the purpose of the assignment, assume that you are the Director of Strategic Planning for this organization.

The CEO has assigned you the responsibility for making an informed decision as to the best way forward strategically, whether that means that the organization expands the selected program, continues the current strategy it employs, changes certain aspects of operational strategy, fully maintains the program as is, merges the program with another one, or closes the program. The summary of your assessment will be presented to the Board of Directors, CEO, COO, and CFO, so those perspectives must be considered.

My chosen healthcare organization: UC Health, Colorado

My chosen service line: Cancer Care Program

Unformatted Attachment Preview

To: Executive Team
Cc: Executive Team Administrative Assistant
Cc to assistant as she creates agenda for the meeting
Subject: Revision to Performance Management System
Greetings Executive Team:
Short, meaningful subject line
Informal greeting identifying the group
As a follow up to our discussions on proposed changes to the current performance management process, I have
been given 30 minutes on the agenda for the next executive meeting on April 19 at 2 pm. Here are some questions
to consider prior to the meeting.
Setting Program Goals
 Does our current system reflect where the organization is heading today? If not, what changes do we
need to make to accomplish this?
 How will a revised system better contribute to the success of the organization?
Design Content/Components
 Currently we use these 6 criteria for evaluation. Do you see the need to modify these criteria?
o Job knowledge
o Teamwork
Bulleted list
o Initiative
separated into topic
o Interpersonal relations
areas with bolded
o Planning and organizing
headings makes for
easier reading for the
o Staff development (managers only)
body of the email
 Who will participate in the sphere of raters for the employee (self-rating, peers, team-members,
subordinates, external/internal customers)?
 Who will have higher level review for unacceptable ratings?
 What will be the procedure for communication of performance plans?
 What will be the procedure for recognizing and rewarding employees?
 What actions will be taken for unacceptable performance?
Please be ready to share your opinions on this very important subject at the 4/19/xx meeting.
Thank you.
Mary Anderson
Director of Human Resources
West Coast Enterprises
58 Kearney Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
415.320.4125 (work)
415.320.9981 (cell)
Signature block
format often provided
by organization and
required for all emails
Mr. Robert Swindell
Good morning Matthew Langner and distinguished members of leadership.
Good morning Mr. Swindell and leadership team members. I appreciate your time to
review our leaderships’ support of this upcoming project.
Mr. Robert Swindell
Well, let’s get started. Would you share what you need from us, Matthew Langner?”
Yes. I want to survey your support for this strategic planning proposal and
implementation process. Ms. Gonzales, would you share your leadership focus from an
operations standpoint?
Ms. Selena Gonzales
Thoroughness requires us to focus attention on the details, without losing sight of the
big picture. As leaders, we need to prioritize the end goal and the individual steps we
need to take to achieve our project. We need to understand how each planning step
contributes to the next and the commitment to seeing this project to the end. And this
must be accomplished with the least amount of interference to our current operations.
Excellent, thank you. Mrs. McNally could you speak to the financial leadership required
for our project?
Mrs. Dorothy McNally
Certainly. Financial leadership needs a clear vision so that the whole organization
understands our position and expectations. A strong purpose and mission
communicated effectively can create an alignment and sense of purpose for this project
and can drive achievement of our goals. I fully expect to come in on time and under
Great, thank you Mrs. McNally. Dr. Brown, as our Chief Clinical Officer, could you share
your leadership position on project planning?
Dr. Shari Brown
Yes, Matthew Langner. Our success depends on thorough and thoughtful strategic
planning. Leadership includes a wide range of influence that expands across our
organization, but it always starts with us. Significant planning and communication can
only be accomplished by including our stakeholders. We must ensure the right people
are involved to get the project completed and that our key stakeholders are kept
informed through ongoing communication. We need to combine our ability to execute on
well-organized plans and maintain collaboration with employees and stakeholders within
our organization. Our clinical staff should be encouraged to ask questions, voice their
concerns and their understanding of projects and changes. If we bring out the best in
each team member in terms of participation and provide needed services to our
community, we all succeed!
I completely agree Dr. Brown, thank you. Ms. Smith, as a member of our Board of
Directors, could you provide your insight into our leadership’s expectations for our
Ms. Shayna Smith
Thank you all for including me as a representative of our Board of Directors. What I am
hearing you all say is, when you can effectively lead planning and implementation, you
can set the strategy, inspire action in our stakeholders, have the right people working on
the right tasks, and deliver optimal results. Ultimately these results will positively impact
our patients and our community. I have the utmost faith in our team’s ability to move
forward successfully.
All substantial information and thank you all. This organization has a strong, creative
culture that ensures our staff and community are a priority. It would be difficult to serve
our community effectively if we were not practicing strategic leadership during this
proposed project. I am going to include all of this feedback into practice as we move

Leadership competencies and strategies are crucial to best promote team-based
planning and change.

Visionary or transformational leadership inspires teambuilding relationships and
aspires to achieve stakeholder collaboration.

Organizational staff have a diverse range of skills and perspectives, significant for

Leaders that can effectively plan and organize work, can turn strategy into
execution, and ideas into action.

Leaders with strong skills in planning and organizing are good at creating practical
plans that help everybody see what the outcomes are, what the roadmap is, and the
steps to get there, along with how each person can help move the project forward
HCM481 Mod 6 CT
HCM481 Mod 6 CT
This criterion
is linked to a
This criterion
is linked to a
15 to >12.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Includes all of the
required components, as
specified in the
12 to >9.0 pts
Includes most of the
required components, as
specified in the
35 to >28.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Demonstrates strong or adequate
knowledge of the materials;
correctly represents knowledge
from the readings and sources.
9 to >6.0 pts
Below Expectation
Includes some of the
required components, as
specified in the
28 to >21.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Some significant but not
major errors or omissions
in demonstration of
6 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Includes few of the
required components, as
specified in the
21 to >14.0 pts
Below Expectation
Major errors or
omissions in
demonstration of
14 to >0 pts
Fails to
knowledge of the
15 pts
35 pts
HCM481 Mod 6 CT
This criterion
is linked to a
This criterion
is linked to a
proper use of
APA style
30 to >24.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Provides a strong critical
analysis and
interpretation of the
information given.
24 to >18.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Some significant but not
major errors or omissions
in analysis and
18 to >12.0 pts
Below Expectation
Major errors or
omissions in analysis
and interpretation.
12 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Fails to provide critical
analysis and
interpretation of the
information given.
30 pts
5 to >4.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Project contains proper
APA formatting, with no
more than one significant
4 to >3.0 pts
Few errors in APA
formatting, with no more
than two to three
significant errors.
3 to >2.0 pts
Below Expectation
Significant errors in
APA formatting, with
four to five significant
2 to >0 pts
Limited Evidence
Numerous errors in
APA formatting, with
more than five
significant errors.
5 pts
HCM481 Mod 6 CT
This criterion
is linked to a
Total Points: 90
5 to >3.0 pts
Meets Expectation
Includes at least 2
sources. Sources meet
required criteria and are
well chosen to provide
substance and
perspectives on the issue
under examination.
3 to >2.0 pts
Approaches Expectation
Includes 2 sources.
Sources meet required
criteria but are less‐than
adequately chosen to
provide substance and
perspectives on the issue
under examination.
2 to >0.0 pts
Below Expectation
Includes only 1 source
and/or sources don’t meet
required criteria and are
poorly chosen to provide
substance and perspectives
on the issue under
0 pts
Limited Evidence
Includes no sources
and/or source
selection and
integration of
knowledge from the
course are clearly
5 pts

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