Hb HED 120 NUTR 158


PART 1– 1. Watch this 3 minute video:

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Hb HED 120 NUTR 158
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2. Make a post that answers the following questions:

a.) What will you do with the time you have left?

b.) How can you tie the concept in the video (understanding our finite existence) with the chapter on substance use and abuse.


Watch this 3 minute video on heart disease.

1. In a discussion thread let me know your thoughts and what you learned. (5 points)

PART 3—-

1. Watch the following videos on hydration.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Hydration?
After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how you would advise a high school cross country team on hydration before, during, and after their practice.


1. Watch the following videos.

2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:

How can Vitamin D impact athletic performance?
What do antioxidants do?