Haseba 204 letter to an official ( fix my draft according to feedback and write a 50 words reflection



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Haseba 204 letter to an official ( fix my draft according to feedback and write a 50 words reflection
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You can work on your final draft once you…

Submit your rough draft.
Complete your peer responses.
Review the comments left by your peers and DP regarding your letter.

Finally, you will write a brief (50-150 words), open-ended reflection of the project. Here are some ideas for what you can talk about:

Something new that you learned about the topic that you wrote about
Overall impression of the letter writing process (Was it easy, difficult, manageable?)
Something else that you would like to mention

You can include this after the letter or you can submit it separately.

******My rough draft*****


The Honorable Nancy Pelosi,

1236 Longworth,

HOB Washington, D.C. 20515.

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

RE: Urgent Action Needed to Address Maternal Healthcare Disparities

Please accept my best wishes as I write to you. Hi there! I’m [Student’s Name], and I wanted to write you a letter about something very important: the inequities in maternity healthcare that exist both locally and nationally. You have been an outstanding champion for healthcare reform and social justice for many years, and I know this from my experience as a resident of California’s 11th congressional district.

Disparities in maternal healthcare continue to worsen at disturbing pace, impacting underprivileged groups more severely. The CDC reports that compared to white women, Black and Indigenous women had a two- to thrice higher risk of dying during pregnancy. African-American women had a maternal mortality rate of around 37.1 per 100,000 live births, compared to 14.7 for white women. There are serious problems with the healthcare system that are reflected in the racially unequal maternal death rates. It is critical that we address this problem immediately and work together to guarantee that all pregnant women, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status, have equal access to high-quality healthcare.

I am writing to you today, not because I am angry, but because I feel compelled to do something urgent and because I care about the women in our community. Your impact and commitment to social justice position you as a pivotal player in propelling transformation, in my opinion. Your leadership is essential, and we must use it to systematically address these gaps.

I suggest a multi-pronged strategy to eliminate healthcare inequities for mothers. First and foremost, maternal health initiatives that aim to assist groups that are most vulnerable must get more financing. This involves doing things like putting programs in place that focus on the needs of disadvantaged groups and distributing funds to places with higher incidence of maternal death. Second, it is critical to fight for laws that guarantee all pregnant women have access to prenatal care that is both culturally competent and affordable. We can enhance maternal outcomes and close healthcare access disparities by advocating policies that acknowledge and meet the requirements of varied cultures. Finally, improving mothers’ health requires work on socioeconomic determinants of health including housing and education. By addressing these larger social determinants, we may take a more comprehensive approach to reducing maternal healthcare inequities and building a healthcare system that is fair and helpful to all women.

We can save lives and make our community healthier and more egalitarian if we speak out on this. It is my sincere hope that you would use your position to push for measures that will improve maternal health and put an end to inequalities in care.

Your service to our community is much appreciated. I eagerly await word of your efforts to tackle this pressing matter.


Haseba Jabro

******attached is the professor feedbac***