Group Movie


Hello, this is a really important assignment, it is group assignment, I am the one who is making it and putting the name of the other 4 students, just telling you so you have an idea. This assignment is about watching a movie and doing the following, The movie that the professor approved for me is : Spanglish,( made in 2004, actors is Adam Sandler) For your information, I am hispanic, from Cuba, like the rest of the members of the group, only one member was born in USA, and her family is American. You can discuss the last part of the group assignment, about our family of origin as if we all were hispanic. Thank you so much!! Assignment: In a 5-page paper, analyze the family interactions and design a pseudo-intervention plan using a specific family therapy model, assuming this is a family in therapy with you. Paper Outline:Describe the family’s interactive patterns using the terms and models covered in the Module (e.g. triangulations, scapegoating, coalition, boundaries, roles, etc.). The terminology you use should reflect the type of counseling intervention you would use (e.g., if you are using the Bowenian model, then your description would include triangulation).Outline treatment goals and devise a treatment plan using specific strategies and techniques. Describe the treatment plan and strategies in detail and explain your reasons for choosing the strategies used and why these will help reach therapy goal(s). Explain how you believe your experience within your family of origin would have an impact on how you would work with this family.

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