Group Feedback form/Ethical Principles/Press Release


1. Complete the 360 Degree feedback form (The form is attached) (The topic of the Final Paper is The Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis) (Names of group members are: Keva Lloyd, Debbie-Ann Marsha, and Keristen Wood) (Give them all high marks and make up the comments…but all members have contributed substantially) 2. (Original Content Only) (2 Paragraphs) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (Ethical Principles articles are attached) Post the principles of your proposed global ethics code you identified in this week’s interactive media, Ethical Principles. Provide a 2-paragraph justification of why you included the principles you chose and support your justification with evidence. 3. (Original Content Only) (2 pages) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) Final Project Policy Proposal Topic: Jackson, Mississippi Water Crisis Write an individual, original press release, about an upcoming public meeting for the policy proposal in your group’s Final Project.

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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
360-Degree Feedback Form – Group
The 360-Degree Feedback process is used to rate how well a group is working from the perspective of its members. Each
group member completes a separate “360-Degree Feedback Form – Individual” for each person in their group by Day 7 of
Week 6, rating them on group work indicators as well as providing written feedback. Ratings and written feedback should
be based on what you have observed in the group Collaboration Experiences for the Final Project from Week 2 through
Week 5.
On the “360-Degree Form – Group,” you aggregate the ratings and written feedback you provided all of your group
members on their individual feedback forms.
1. Type your name at the top of the form where it says “Rater Name.”
2. Type the name of each group member at the top of each section of the form where it says “Group Member Name.”
3. For each group member, mark the ratings you provided the group member on their individual 360-Degree
Feedback Form.
4. For each group member, type the written feedback you provided the group member on their individual 360-Degree
Feedback Form.
5. Save your completed “360-Degree Feedback Form – Group.”
6. Submit your completed 360-Degree Feedback Form – Group” in the Week 6 Assignment area.
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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
360-Degree Feedback Form – Group
Rater Name:
Group Member 1 Name:
Part I: Ratings
Mark your ratings for the group member on each indicator using a scale of 1 to 10 with “1” being the lowest rating and “10” being the
highest rating. Ratings should be based on what you have observed in the group Collaboration Experiences for the Final Project from
Week 2 through Week 5.
For each indicator, place an “X” in the column corresponding to your rating.
Lowest – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -Highest
1. Sets challenging goals for themselves
2. Prioritizes their work based on the needs of the team and its project
3. Achieves their objectives on time, even when faced with obstacles and challenges
4. Models collaboration and helps others achieve their objectives
5. Gives constructive and helpful feedback to others
6. Responds positively when receiving constructive feedback from others
7. Values and respects others and their ideas
8. Expresses disagreement earlier than later
9. Allows for flexibility in how work is accomplished
10. Is highly ethical and professional
Part II: Written Feedback
Type your brief responses for each question in this section.
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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
1. To enhance [Teammate’s] effectiveness even more in the future, what do you suggest they continue to do, do more of,
do better, or do differently?
2. List two of [Teammate’s] strengths.
Group Member 2 Name:
Part I: Ratings
Mark your ratings for the group member on each indicator using a scale of 1 to 10 with “1” being the lowest rating and “10” being the
highest rating. Ratings should be based on what you have observed in the group Collaboration Experiences for the Final Project from
Week 2 through Week 5.
For each indicator, place an “X” in the column corresponding to your rating.
Lowest – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -Highest
11. Sets challenging goals for themselves
12. Prioritizes their work based on the needs of the team and its project
13. Achieves their objectives on time, even when faced with obstacles and challenges
14. Models collaboration and helps others achieve their objectives
15. Gives constructive and helpful feedback to others
16. Responds positively when receiving constructive feedback from others
17. Values and respects others and their ideas
18. Expresses disagreement earlier than later
19. Allows for flexibility in how work is accomplished
20. Is highly ethical and professional
Part II: Written Feedback
Type your brief responses for each question in this section.
© 2021 Walden University, LLC
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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
3. To enhance [Teammate’s] effectiveness even more in the future, what do you suggest they continue to do, do more of, do
better, or do differently?
4. List two of [Teammate’s] strengths.
Group Member 3 Name:
Part I: Ratings
Mark your ratings for the group member on each indicator using a scale of 1 to 10 with “1” being the lowest rating and “10” being the
highest rating. Ratings should be based on what you have observed in the group Collaboration Experiences for the Final Project from
Week 2 through Week 5.
For each indicator, place an “X” in the column corresponding to your rating.
Lowest – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -Highest
21. Sets challenging goals for themselves
22. Prioritizes their work based on the needs of the team and its project
23. Achieves their objectives on time, even when faced with obstacles and challenges
24. Models collaboration and helps others achieve their objectives
25. Gives constructive and helpful feedback to others
26. Responds positively when receiving constructive feedback from others
27. Values and respects others and their ideas
28. Expresses disagreement earlier than later
29. Allows for flexibility in how work is accomplished
30. Is highly ethical and professional
Part II: Written Feedback
© 2021 Walden University, LLC
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MMPA 6200/5200: Principles of Public Administration
Type your brief responses for each question in this section.
1. To enhance [Teammate’s] effectiveness even more in the future, what do you suggest they continue to do, do more of,
do better, or do differently?
2. List two of [Teammate’s] strengths.
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