Ground work 3


Develop a script and/or storyboard for the play or short film. This play must contain some sort of plot and could be related to the theme used in GA 3. The script rough draft should be at least 3 pages in standard script format. A storyboard needs at least 12 panels.

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Ground work 3
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Select and read at least two of the short plays from 15 Short Play Scripts for Drama Students. Be sure to identify the plays you reviewed at the beginning of your post.
Examine the plays for content, how they’re set up, and focus on how you visualize each playing out. If you choose, you (and others in your household) can even read the plays aloud.
Be sure to identify the plays, and In a couple of paragraphs, discuss the following
Characters (What kind of characters? was there a protagonist and an antagonist?)
Plot & Conflict (What were they, and how did they propel the story?)
“Seeing” the action (what you visualized)
Dialogue (How did it affect the play?)
Intended Audience
Personal Engagement (what you found engaging or what you wished was included to make it more engaging)
Read and take notes on How to Write a Play – Masterclass, How to Direct – An Actor’s Guide. and The Fourth Wall and How to Use It – StageMilk

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Echoes of Silence & Beyond: A Journey Through Inner Landscapes
This collection opens a window into diverse emotional landscapes, each poem
acting as a brushstroke on a canvas of self-discovery. “Echoes of Silence” sets the
stage with introspective whispers, while “Mirrored Sorrow” confronts the painful
disconnect between perception and reality. In “Shattered Skies,” the storm within rages,
and the journey towards healing begins. Prepare to embark on a multifaceted
exploration of the human spirit, where vulnerability transforms into strength, and
shadows give way to the promise of a brighter dawn.
Echoes of Silence
By Shawnae Murphy
In the quiet corners of my mind,
Where shadows linger and fears unwind,
Echoes of silence softly cry,
As I navigate this endless sky.
A labyrinth of thoughts, a maze of despair,
Lost in the darkness, consumed by the air,
Mental echoes reverberate within,
A symphony of chaos, a relentless din.
Amidst the chaos, there shines a faint glow,
A guiding light in the darkness’s flow.
With each whispered breath, I find my way,
Through the echoes of silence, to a brighter day.
Artist’s Statement:
“I aimed to encapsulate the core of inner conflict and the path to recovery. The poem
explores the intricate network of thoughts within the mind, where quiet reverberations
persist amidst chaos. By depicting the journey through boundless skies and whispers, I
sought to express the inner strength and optimism inherent in the human soul, even
amidst profound darkness.”
Mirrored Sorrow
By Pamela Langford
I asked the person in front of me, their stare is blank and hard to see,
“Why do you look so pained? What burdens your weary heart, explain?”
No answer came, just silence deep, a void where words refused to skip.
So, I reached out, hand outstretched, to touch the glass, a mirror etched.
My finger met the cool, damp plane, a shiver ran down my spine like rain.
The image shimmered, then defined, the familiar features intertwined.
Fear morphed to fury, hot and raw, “Where did they go?” I clenched tight my jaw
Searching for the stranger’s face, replaced by my own, engraved in that space.
“Speak up you, fool self!” I screamed, “Why do you wear such a haunted gleam?”
The reflection blinked, a tear it bled, “You cast me aside, left me for dead.”
Shame washed over, a bitter sting, the weight of neglect, a broken wing.
“But you’re me,” I whispered, voice laced with pain, “How can I heal if we remain the
Artist’s Statement:
“This poem delves into the raw and often painful journey of self-confrontation and
introspection. It explores the inner struggle of acknowledging and addressing hidden
emotions, reflected in the stark imagery of a mirror revealing a stranger within. The
broken wing metaphor symbolizes the vulnerability and deep wounds the speaker
carries, further emphasizing the disconnect between their outward persona and the
turmoil hidden beneath. The inclusion of dialogue adds another layer of depth, allowing
the reader to directly experience the speaker’s internal conflict and yearning for
Shattered Skies
By Ethan Hughes
In the corridors of the mind, turmoil brews,
A storm of thoughts, hues battling, a ruse.
Within shattered skies, unseen canvas sprawls,
Feelings vast and keen, in kaleidoscopic thralls.
Echoes of silence, a deafening roar,
Whispers of shadows, haunting evermore.
Beneath the surface, an untold labyrinth lies,
A journey through darkness, where tales arise.
Yet in the heart’s chamber, a flicker persists,
A resilient ember defying chains, it insists.
Mental landscapes shift, a fragile dance,
A chance for healing, for another chance.
Reach out, oh soul, embrace the light’s grace,
A beacon in the endless night’s embrace.
For amidst struggles and strife’s symphony,
Resides life’s melody, a song of harmony.
Artist’s statement:
“This poem delves into the tumultuous journey of the mind during challenging times.
Using vibrant descriptions and symbolic expressions, the poem depicts the internal
struggles faced by people confronting challenges. It delves into the strength inherent in
the human soul, highlighting the potential for healing and rejuvenation even in difficult

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