Greenwashing Presentation: Please help to prepare scripts and slides for Introduction of the presentation.


Hi, Please help to prepare scripts (2-3 minutes) and PowerPoint slides for the Introduction” part onlyTopic: Mrs. Meyers cleaning productPlease see the attached file for the Criteria and Outline for more detailsThank you,.

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Greenwashing Presentation: Please help to prepare scripts and slides for Introduction of the presentation.
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Team Presentation Outline & PSA Storyboard (Due 11/13/2023)
a. Description of your topic
i. Mrs. Meyers cleaning products are known for their meadowy scents and natural
ingredients. However, Meyers is anything but safe. They are one of the worst greenwashers on
the market today.
b. Description of PSA Topic

Greenwashing – Is Mrs Meyers Really Non Toxic?

i. What is your core message/purpose?
Our core message is to advise consumers to be wary of “clean” marketed products. Companies
that market themselves as eco-friendly are not always truthful. We want to encourage the
audience to be mindful of these marketing tactics. We want to inspire consumers to research
companies and products for the validity of their claimed sustainability before purchasing.
ii. How is this topic relevant to public health?
This topic is relevant to public health because some companies would greenwash their products
to make them more appealing to consumers. We are trying to spread the awareness that certain
products contain harmful chemicals that may harm people’s health and are not environmentally
c. Audience description
i. Who are you trying to reach?
– The specific target audience of the PSA is environmentally conscious young adults aged
18-35 who frequently purchase household cleaning products
ii. What is the goal you want to achieve with the PSA? (raise awareness, encourage a
certain behavior, discourage a behavior,
– The specific goal of the PSA is to raise awareness about greenwashing in the cleaning
product industry among environmentally conscious young adults aged 18-35,
encouraging them to make informed choices and support genuinely eco-friendly brands.
d. Message of PSA
i. What should the specific message of your PSA be? Think of a slogan
or a title to go with your PSA. (ex. “If you have asthma, don’t smoke.”)
Slogan/Title: “Don’t Be Deceived: Unmasking Greenwashing in Cleaning Products.”
ii. How can you use image, words & sound to communicate your message?

Use a powerful image of a clean forest turning into a polluted wasteland to
emphasize the stakes.
Incorporate the sound of birdsong in the clean environment, contrasting it with the
industrial noise in the polluted environment.
Present a specific statistic: “95% of green-labeled products in Canada and the USA
engage in greenwashing, encompassing various deceptive practices from hidden
trade-offs to false labeling.”
e. Roles, Tasks, and Responsibilities
The roles, tasks and responsibilities of each team member should be specified regarding the
planning, development and production of your PSA storyboard and presentation
i. – Natalie’s role is to introduce the greenwashing claims and to review the slides and
make sure there isn’t any repetitiveness occurring throughout the slides
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Greenwashing – Is Mrs Meyers Really Non Toxic?

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