Grant Proposal


Grant Proposal Submission (50%): Over the course of the module, you will learn how to develop a grant proposal. As a culminating activity, you will submit a real proposal to a fictitious funder. Each component of the proposal will be graded.

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Grant Proposal
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Grantmaker’s Mission (5 points)

Proposal reflects the Foundation’s mission of _____ . Proposals that reflect a strict interpretation of _____.

Goals and Objectives (5 points)

Should be specific, measurable and realistic.

Merit/Potential for Success (5 points)

Proposed methodologies reflect research or other evidence that demonstrates the likelihood that this project/program will succeed.

Need (5 points)

Quantitative data supports the need for the proposed project/program in the giving area.

Evaluation (5 points)

Proposal includes a valid plan for evaluating the program.

Cost Effectiveness (5 points)

The extent to which numbers of people are affected. Agencies that propose serving the greatest number of people with the fewest dollars will receive the highest rating for this category. (It should be noted that this factor should never be taken into consideration by itself. Many programs that require large sums of funding have a much more profound effect on peoples’ lives than programs that can operate with much less funding.)

Board (5 points)

Evidence of a healthy governing board (diverse representation and strong leadership).

Financial Management (5 points)

Agency must have evidence of sound financial management.

Long-Term Sustainability (5 points)

Agencies should have a realistic plan for sustaining the program/project after grantmaker’s funds have been expended.

Qualifications (5 points)

Agency/staff exhibits evidence of past experience or success with similar undertakings.