Governance, Ethics and Sustainability A2: Written Report (meng 09/01/2024)


The a-s-s-e-s-s-m-e-n-t willbe 1500 words long.Please see the questions shown in the screenshot. I will send you all the info after being hired, eg PPTs, student access etc. Please send a draft in 12hrs -1 day time, day 2, and day 3 as well. + Will need to draft some questions to ask the teacher and revise base on feedback (Send bk ard in 1 day max)

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Governance, Ethics and Sustainability A2: Written Report (meng 09/01/2024)
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Assessment 2 Information
Subject Code:
Subject Name:
Assessment Title:
Assessment Type:
Word Count:
Total Marks:
Due Date:
Governance, Ethics and Sustainability
Corporate governance and risk.
Written report.
30 %
MyKBS Turnitin
Week 9
Your Task
Interpret the corporate governance information disclosed by a given company to identify, describe and explain the
make-up of the board of directors and committees, diversity, risks, and risk management.
Assessment Description
This assessment explores the notion “good boards” should lead to “good governance.” Students will examine the
corporate governance information disclosed by a given corporation to examine the make-up of the board of
directors, and committees, and provide a management style report on the adequacy and appropriateness of each of
these areas in terms of the principles of good corporate governance discussed in this subject. Along the same lines,
students will also identify areas of risk and explain how risk is being managed. This assessment develops
competencies against the following learning outcomes.
Demonstrate understanding of concepts related to governance, ethics and sustainability and
their application to practice.
Critically evaluate the ethical practices of organisations.
Demonstrate understanding of the value of integrity in decision-making.
Demonstrate understanding of and be able to deploy the ethical dimensions of business and
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Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2023
Assessment Instructions
This is an individual assessment which should be completed by carrying out the following steps.
1. Choose one (1) ASX listed corporation / company from the following four.
BHP Billiton
National Australia Bank
2. For the chosen company, conduct online research and using the latest annual report along with up-todate company website information, locate the company’s “disclosed” corporate governance
information. Interpret the company’s governance information by addressing the following questions.
a. Drawing upon the governance principles discussed in this subject, discuss the “diversity” of
the board and specifically in terms of,
i. Skills: Does the board demonstrate a diversity of skills and expertise? For example,
how many directors have expertise in finance, legislation, or other key areas of the
ii. Gender: what is the gender breakdown i.e., how many directors are male or female?
iii. Discuss any other diversity factors including race, nationality, age, disability, and other
b. Identify the board committees. Drawing upon the governance principles discussed in this
subject give reasons why each of these committees is necessary. What degree of
independence is there, and why does this matter?
c. Identify at least three corporate risks the company might be facing. Why is important
shareholders and stakeholders know about these risks? Discuss how each of the risks are
being managed.
3. Assuming the role of senior officer of the company, students should then prepare a succinct 1500word management style report, as-if to their immediate senior manager, which addresses the above
questions (a) (b) & (c). As part of the report, students should provide recommendations on which
corporate governance mechanisms could be implemented or improved by the organisation to address
any issues. The report is to be structured as follows:
1. Introduction (150 words)
2. Sections with headings that answer the questions (a) (b) (c) above (1,000
3. Recommendations to your manager (200 words).
4. A conclusion (150 words).
5. A reference list (not included in word count).
(Note: Contents and executive summary are not required).
NOTE: Students should refer to Principles and Recommendations (and related discussion sections) within
the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (2019) (4th ed) document—see here—as
well as materials and resources discussed within the lecture slides.
Submit the report via MyKBS Turnitin Week 9. The report will be graded/marked against the Marking Guide
which follows.
Page 2
Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2023
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating,
plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.

What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
The answers to these questions can be accessed at
Length Limits for Assessments
Penalties may be applied for assessment submissions that exceed prescribed limits.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on
the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Further details can be accessed at
Page 3
Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2023
Assessment Marking Guide
Specific subject
knowledge (10 marks):
Opinion on the chosen
company board’s
demonstration of skill,
expertise and diversity.
Response provides a
clear overview and
critique of the chosen
company’s diversity
Specific subject
knowledge (5 marks):
Opinion on the chosen
company’s board
committees. The
response demonstrates
thorough research and
analysis and clearly
explains which board
committees the company
has, why they have them,
and why board
committees are
Page 4
HD (100-85)
D (84-75)
C (74-65)
P (64-50)
F (49-0)
The standard of knowledge and
skill demonstrated indicates that
the learning outcomes have been
met to the standard of excellence
Most of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been

High degree of
knowledge of
concepts—room for
improvement in

Competent research
skills, mostly
breadth and relevant
of sources could be

Strong critical
thinking skills—
information could be
better supported by
Many of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been
met – with room for

Good general
knowledge of
concepts—may need
more depth and/or

Developing sound
research skills—
sources need to be
of better academic
quality and/or more

Generally proficient
critical thinking skills
but there may be
gaps in linkages of
Only a few of the required HD
standards have been achieved,
indicating demonstration of the
minimum amount of knowledge
or skills required to meet the
learning outcomes – with a lot
of room for improvement.
Not enough of the required HD
standards have been achieved,
indicating a lack of knowledge
or skills required to meet the
learning outcomes.
Most of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been

High degree of
knowledge of
concepts—room for
improvement in

Competent research
skills, mostly
breadth and relevant
of sources could be

Strong critical
thinking skills—
information could be
better supported by
Many of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been
met – with room for

Good general
knowledge of
concepts—may need
more depth and/or

Developing sound
research skills—
sources may need to
be of better
academic quality
and/or more

Generally proficient
critical thinking skills
but there may be
gaps in linkages of
Only a few of the required HD
standards have been achieved,
indicating demonstration of the
minimum amount of knowledge
or skills required to meet the
learning outcomes – with a lot
of room to improve.
Demonstration of excellence may

Very high degree of
knowledge of concepts and
clear, logical explanation.

Very high degree of research
skills, demonstrating breadth
and relevant application and
discussion of ASX Principles
and other relevant materials.

Sophisticated critical thinking
skills that demonstrate links,
relevance, and multiple
perspectives well supported
by evidence.
The standard of knowledge and
skill demonstrated indicates that
the learning outcomes have been
met to the standard of excellence
Demonstration of excellence may

Very high degree of general
knowledge of concepts

Sophisticated research skills,
demonstrating breadth and
relevant application and
discussion of ASX Principles
and other relevant materials.

Sophisticated critical thinking
skills that demonstrate links
and relevance, supported by
The student would be helped
by seeking assistance from
the ASC.
The student would be helped
by seeking assistance from
the ASC.
Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2023
The student should seek
immediate help to improve
by seeking assistance from
the ASC.
Not enough of the required HD
standards have been achieved,
indicating a lack of knowledge
or skills required to meet the
learning outcomes.
The student should seek
immediate help from the
ASC to improve.
Specific subject knowledge
(10 marks):
Opinion on the selected
corporate risks faced by the
selected company. The
response demonstrates
thorough research and
analysis and clearly explains
which risks the company faces
and how it deals with them.
Quality of overall report (5
Demonstrated written skills
that indicate strong knowledge
of required components, with a
high level of execution.
Page 5
The standard of knowledge and skill
demonstrated indicates that the
learning outcomes have been met to
the standard of excellence (HD).
Demonstration of excellence may

Very high degree of general
knowledge of concepts

Sophisticated research skills,
demonstrating breadth and
relevant application and
discussion of company’s
Annual Report.

Sophisticated critical thinking
skills that demonstrate links,
relevance, and shortcomings of
Most of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been

High degree of
knowledge of
concepts—room for
improvement in

Competent research
skills, mostly
breadth and relevant
of sources could be

Strong critical
thinking skills—
information could be
better supported by
Many of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been
met – with room for

Good general
knowledge of
need more depth
and/or specificity.

Developing sound
research skills—
sources may need to
be of better
academic quality
and/or more
Generally proficient
critical thinking skills
but there may be
gaps in linkages of
A few of the required HD
standards have been
achieved, indicating
demonstration of the minimum
amount of knowledge or skills
required to meet the learning
outcomes – with a lot of room
for improvement.
The standard of knowledge and skill
demonstrated indicates that the
learning outcomes have been met to
the standard of excellence (HD).
This may include:

Clear, well-articulated
ideas that flow logically.

Sophisticated use of
descriptive vocabulary in
appropriate context.

Report is well-structured
and formatted according
to KBS guidelines.

Referenced according to
KBS referencing
guidelines, including
Harvard-style in-text
citations and correctly
formatted reference list.
Most of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been

coherent sentences

Use of descriptive
vocabulary in
appropriate context

Report is mostly
well-structured and
formatted according
to KBS guidelines.

Mostly referenced
according to KBS
guidelines, including
Harvard-style in-text
citations and
reference list.
Some of the required HD
standards have been achieved
to varying degrees, indicating
learning outcomes have been
met – with room for

Generally coherent
could be improved.

Report is readable
but needs
improvement in
structure and

Report is somewhat
according to KBS
guidelines but
contains several
Only a few of the required HD
standards have been
achieved, indicating
demonstration of the minimum
amount of knowledge or skills
required to meet the learning
outcomes – with a lot of room
to improve.
Not enough of the required HD
standards have been
achieved, indicating a lack of
knowledge or skills required to
meet the learning outcomes.
The student should seek
immediate help to improve
from the ASC.
The student would be helped
by seeking assistance from
the ASC.
The student would be helped
by seeking assistance from
the ASC.
Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2023
Not enough of the required HD
standards have been
achieved, indicating a lack of
knowledge or skills required to
meet the learning outcomes.
The student should seek
immediate help from the
ASC to improve.

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