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Propose a healthcare technology innovation by doing the following:

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1. Describe your technology innovation, including each of the following four points:

name of the innovation
two key features of the innovation
two relevant functions of the innovation
general justification as to why this innovation should be considered

Note: Images or sketches may be included as part of this description.

2. Explain whether your proposed technology innovation is disruptive or sustaining.

B. Analyze your innovation by doing the following:

1. Analyze your technology innovation using two factors from Herzlinger’s six-factor analysis to determine the likelihood of the success of your proposed innovation.

2. Complete an impact assessment of your technology innovation based on the Impact Assessment Framework (IAF) by doing the following:
a. Discuss two potential outcomes from the Strategy and Finance dimension that should be monitored.
b. Choose one additional dimension and discuss one potential outcome of your technology innovation, and how the potential outcome is related to the chosen dimension.

C. Compare solutions by doing the following:

1. Identify one existing technology that is similar to the proposed solution from part A1.
a. Describe the strengths of the existing technology in addressing the problem presented in the scenario.
b. Describe the limitations of the existing technology in addressing the problem presented in the scenario.

2. Identify one low-tech solution or practice that could be used in the scenario.
a. Describe the strengths of the low-tech solution or practice in addressing the problem in the scenario.
b. Describe the limitations of the low-tech solution or practice in addressing the problem in the scenario.

3. Compare the proposed technology innovation, the identified existing technology, and the existing low-tech solution. Include the following four points in your comparison:

a discussion of a perceived positive impact of each of the three solutions on patient outcomes
a discussion of a perceived negative impact of each of the three solutions on patient outcomes
a discussion of a perceived positive impact of each of the three solutions on cost savings
a discussion of a perceived negative impact of each of the three solutions on cost savings

4. Discuss the key lessons you learned in designing your proposed technology innovation by including the following two points:

an explanation of which solution provides the best positive impact on patient outcomes and cost savings
a conclusion of whether or not your proposed innovation is the best solution for the problem presented in the scenario

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.