Global Supply Chain Management Unit 10


Effective performance management of the supply chain is critical in being successful. Companies cannot know if their supply chain efforts are improving their performance without effective measures. Well selected performance measures can also be key in shaping a company’s efforts.

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Global Supply Chain Management Unit 10
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For this assignment, apply the following analysis to either your organization (if it fits), or to an organization whose supply chain network you can research.

First, explain the importance of properly measuring the performance of a supply chain network for this organization. Describe what they do, why supply chain management is important for them, and what elements they would want to measure and improve.

Then, conduct research to suggest three metrics that are frequently identified as useful for analyzing a global supply chain’s performance. There should be both financial and non-financial metrics in your choices. Explain why you have selected these and how they can help one analyze a balanced picture of the supply chain for this organization.


Principles of Supply Chain Management

Joel D. Wisner; Keah-Choon Tan; G. Keong Leong