

Pick 4 out of the following questions and answer as concisely as possible. Question 1 is MANDATORY. The entire exam (all 4 answers) must fit on 1 page, Arial, 11-point font, 0.5-inch margin, single-spaced.

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1. MANDATORY: Several dietary interventions that influence aging were discussed in class. Choose one and (i) describe the intervention and how it can benefit our health and (ii) explain the physiological mechanism(s) thought to underlie such beneficial effects.

2. If you were asked by a family member, colleague, or friend what is a “healthy and balanced diet”, what would you say and why?

3. There are 12 proposed biological hallmarks of aging: genomic instability, altered cellular communication, stem cell exhaustion, cellular senescence, mitochondrial dysfunction, deregulated nutrient sensing, loss of proteostasis, epigenetic alterations, loss of autophagy, dysbiosis, chronic inflammation, and telomere attrition. Describe how one of these biological hallmarks of aging can result in the physiological consequences of aging or an age-related disease.

4. Using what you learned in class, describe why the COVID pandemic was much higher risk for older individuals.

5. Between poor nutrition and poor exercise habits, which do you think is worse and explain why.

6. Discuss how breakdown of the respiratory system could potentially impact the function of another physiological system.

7. Describe how breakdown of the digestive system could potentially impact the function of another physiological system.