

ECOM 201 Group Presentation

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Group Presentation (due by Week 10) [10 marks)

This is a group presentation and must be done in-class or virtually using Power Point or any other tool. The presentation should reflect your answers and experience in Assignment 2 (the project). Please refer to the following criteria:

• Create10 slides maximum

• The slides should contain the following:

o Group members names, IDs, and CRN

o A brief description of the virtual team

o A brief description of the virtual tool

o A brief description of the Virtual work dynamics

o A brief description of the proposed reports

o Suggestions for future teams.

• Support your presentation with pictures from your virtual teamwork.

• Each group has 10m (8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q& A).

• Each student presents for ~2 minutes to divide the time equally between group members.

• The presentation should be written and presented in English.

• Upload the slides to Blackboard under the Assignment 3 tab by the specified due date.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Student Names:
Student IDs:
Course Title: Introduction to Virtual
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/2024 _1st
Course Code: ECOM 201
Instructor Name:
Assignment: 3 Project Presentation- GROUP X
Student Grade:
out of 10
Grade Level: High/ Middle / Low
The Virtual Team

1. Name:

2. Roles:

3. Collective goal:
The Virtual Tool
The Virtual Work Dynamics

1. Virtual Office:

2. Virtual communication:

3. Challenges:
The Proposed Reports



General Suggestions for Future Teams



Pictures of Your Virtual Team Process
Thank You!
Questions & Feedback
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Group Presentation Slides
Group Names:
Group IDs:
Course Title: Introduction to EManagement
Course Code: ECOM 201
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/20241st Term
Instructor Name:
Group Grade:
Grade Level: Low/ Mid/ High
out of 10
ECOM 201 Group Presentation
Group Presentation (due by Week 10)
[10 marks)
This is a group presentation and must be done in-class or virtually using Power Point or any
other tool. The presentation should reflect your answers and experience in Assignment 2 (the
project). Please refer to the following criteria:

Create 10 slides maximum

The slides should contain the following:
Group members names, IDs, and CRN
A brief description of the virtual team
A brief description of the virtual tool
A brief description of the Virtual work dynamics
A brief description of the proposed reports
Suggestions for future teams.

Support your presentation with pictures from your virtual teamwork.

Each group has 10m (8 minutes presentation + 2 minutes Q & A).

Each student presents for ~2 minutes to divide the time equally between group

The presentation should be written and presented in English.

Upload the slides to Blackboard under the Assignment 3 tab by the specified due date.
Saudi Electronic University
College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
E-commerce Department
Group Project
Group Names:
Group IDs:
1. Group ID
2. Group ID
3. Group ID
4. Group ID
5. Group ID
Course Title: Introduction to E-Management
Course Code: ECOM 201
Academic Year/ Semester: 2023/2024-1st
Instructor Name:
Student Grade: out of 20
Grade Level: Low/ Mid/ High
ECOM 201 Project
1. Virtual Team: (5 marks)
Our team, PerfumePulse, consisted of five members: ZAHRAH, SARAH, LATEEFAH,
GHAIDA and AMANI. ZAHRAH was the team manager, SARAH was the
representative from the international brand, LATEEFAH was the technical support
expert, and GHAIDA and AMANI were the general members. Each member had specific
objectives they aimed to achieve within the team. As the team manager, ZAHRAH
focused on facilitating efficient collaboration, effective communication, and precise
coordination among team members. SARAH’s objective was to propose a strategy that
aligned with the brand’s goals and satisfied the client’s requirements. LATEEFAH
provided technical support and guidance throughout the strategy development and
implementation process. GHAIDA and AMANI also aimed to offer general support,
assist in research and analysis, and contribute to the overall success of the strategy.
Our collective goal as PerfumePulse was to create a strategy that would satisfy the
Chinese brand’s requirements and enable them to establish a thriving office in Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia. Moreover, we sought to create a thorough plan for marketing perfumes in
Saudi Arabia. This approach aimed to support the worldwide brand’s establishment of a
significant presence, expansion, and sustained profitability in Saudi Arabia’s perfume
Throughout our journey as a team, we experienced the four stages of team building:
forming, storming, norming, and performing (Berndt et al., 2023). In the forming stage,
we introduced ourselves, discussed our objectives and roles, and established a foundation
of trust. We discussed our strengths and shortcomings and decided how to use our
abilities to accomplish our joint objective effectively. We actively brainstormed and
discussed various ideas and approaches during the storming stage to formulate an
effective strategy. To ensure our plan was successful, we promoted open discussion,
welcomed other viewpoints, and had respectful disagreements. In the norming stage, we
focused on resolving conflicts, addressing potential issues, and establishing clear
guidelines for communication and workflow. We worked tirelessly together, established a
consensus, and ensured everyone on the team shared the same goals and was devoted to
implementing the plan.
Finally, we collaborated to design and deliver the plan to the customer during the
performing stage. To ensure the approach was implemented successfully, we assisted
each other, assigned particular duties, and kept in touch regularly. Our combined efforts
resulted in a superior plan that satisfied the client’s requirements. As PerfumePulse, we
concentrated on the field of perfumes in Saudi Arabia. We did a lot of research, looked at
industry trends, and found possible possibilities and problems in the Saudi Arabian
perfume sector. We created a plan to draw in the target audience, build a solid brand
presence, and promote growth and income for our customers by employing our wide
range of abilities and knowledge. Overall, our virtual team, the PerfumePulse,
successfully navigated the stages of team building, leveraging effective communication
and collaboration. We completed our duties quickly and effectively using the appropriate
tools and methods and gave the customer a well-thought-out plan. Our combined efforts,
dedication, and synergy allowed us to accomplish the team’s goals and provide our
customers with an all-encompassing and satisfied remedy.
2. Virtual Tool (5 marks)
Asana was our virtual team’s main tool to manage tasks and organize workflow. Asana
has a variety of tools that support efficient task management and teamwork. They consist
Task Assignments and Notifications: We could assign tasks to specific team
members and receive notifications when duties were assigned, completed, or had
upcoming due dates. This feature ensured transparency and accountability within
the team.
Task Comments and Discussions: Asana enabled us to have threaded discussions
and comments on specific tasks. This feature allowed us to provide updates, ask
questions, and have focused discussions related to individual tasks.
Task Management: Asana offers An easy-to-use interface for task creation,
assignment, and tracking. We may include task descriptions, due dates,
attachments, and task dependencies to maintain a smooth process.
Project Organization: We may group jobs into projects using Asana, which
enables us to classify and prioritize our work. To illustrate various phases or
facets of our strategy creation process, we may build several sections inside
Progress Tracking: Asana visualized project progress, including task completion
percentages and project timelines. This feature helped us monitor our progress
and identify any bottlenecks or delays.
Considering its user-friendly layout, extensive capabilities, and suitability for the
requirements of our virtual workforce, Asana was selected as our task management
software. Microsoft Planner, Jira, and Trello were further possibilities we looked into.
However, Asana stood out because of its streamlined layout, strong task management
features, and tool connection choices.
We set aside a portion of our SAR 10,000 budget for an Asana premium membership.
This membership offered additional advantages, including customized fields, extensive
reporting options, and priority assistance. By purchasing the premium membership, we
ensured we had access to all the tools and enhanced team cooperation and productivity.
Our team met weekly for approximately one hour during each meeting. These meetings
were crucial for discussing progress, addressing concerns or issues, assigning tasks, and
ensuring alignment with our project’s objectives. Meeting minutes are a written record of
discussions, decisions, and action items during team meetings. We effectively used
meeting minutes to document critical information and ensure clarity and accountability.
Here’s an example of our team meeting minutes:
Example of Meeting Minutes
Date: 02/10/2023
Time: 4:00 pm
Recap of progress
Discussion of tasks
Assigning tasks
Any issues or concerns
Discussion Summary:
Recap of progress: Team members shared updates from the previous meeting.
Discussion of tasks: Tasks that needed to be completed were discussed, and potential
solutions were brainstormed.
Assigning of tasks: Specific tasks were assigned to each team member, and any potential
issues or concerns were addressed.
Any issues or concerns: Potential issues or problems were discussed, and appropriate
solutions were identified.
Action Items:
ZAHRAH: Make a schedule for the duties.
SARAH: Investigate possible tactics.
LATEEFAH: Reach out to the Chinese company.
GHAIDA and AMANI: Keep track of advancement.
Next Meeting:
Date: 08/10/2023
Time: 4:00 pm
By successfully using meeting minutes, we could keep a record of our discussions,
recommendations, and action items. As a result, we could keep track of our progress,
guarantee that each assignment was completed, and maintain organization.
3. Virtual work dynamics (5 marks)
Our team set up a virtual office for successful communication using various technologies
and procedures. Asana was our main task management software, Zoom was utilized for
video meetings, Slack or WhatsApp was used for instant messaging, and Google Drive
was used for file sharing. Using these technologies, a virtual workplace was built that
allowed team members to collaborate and communicate easily.
In our virtual work, we encountered challenges from different perspectives based on team
members’ roles. As the team manager, ZAHRAH faced building trust and fostering solid
relationships within the virtual setting. The lack of face-to-face contact made it more
challenging to establish trust, requiring ZAHRAH to be mindful of communication style
to ensure everyone felt heard and respected. ZAHRAH also had to consider team
members’ different working hours and time zones to create a supportive and inclusive
work environment.
As the international brand representative, SARAH was responsible for ensuring that the
proposed strategy met the client’s expectations. This involved addressing potential issues
and proactively finding solutions. Effective communication and alignment among team
members were crucial for presenting a cohesive strategy. Resolving conflicts and keeping
everyone on the same page were additional challenges SARAH faced in his role.
LATEEFAH, the technical support expert, ensured the team had the tools and
technologies for effective communication and collaboration. LATEEFAH addressed any
technical issues that could arise and provided guidance and support to team members
when needed. Overcoming technical challenges and ensuring the smooth functioning of
the virtual office were key responsibilities for Thai.
As the general members, GHAIDA and AMANI faced the challenge of supporting the
team in various aspects. They needed to proactively find solutions to potential issues and
ensure effective communication among team members. Resolving conflicts and keeping
everyone aligned with the project’s objectives were essential responsibilities that
GHAIDA and AMANI shared.
We placed a high value on our team members’ health and work-life balance to make the
most of their vacation and holiday time. We made certain that everyone could take breaks
and refuel. We developed a welcoming environment where team members could take
time off without affecting productivity or project deadlines by being considerate of
everyone’s availability and plans. We evenly distributed the job among the team members
when doing so. We considered each team member’s abilities, knowledge, and availability
while deciding on roles. We ensured everyone participated in the project’s development
and felt supported throughout the virtual work by working together to analyze the
workload and communicate.
Communication posed challenges for our virtual team due to the absence of face-to-face
contact. Each role had its unique perspective on this issue. As the team manager,
ZAHRAH had to be mindful of how his communication impacted team members and
fostered trust through frequent meetings. SARAH communicated clearly and effectively
with the client to understand their expectations. LATEEFAH was crucial in addressing
technical communication challenges and guiding team members to utilize communication
tools effectively. GHAIDA and AMANI actively participated in discussions, asked
clarifying questions, and provided updates to maintain effective communication within
the team.
Despite these difficulties, our team constructed a virtual office and effectively finished
our work. By communicating, being patient, and holding numerous meetings, we
overcame linguistic and cultural difficulties. We prioritized work-life balance and equally
distributed the burden and efficient use of our selected tools and technology.
Consequently, we effectively presented a strategy to the worldwide brand representative
and gained insightful criticism for future development.
4. Reports and presentations (5 marks)
We have investigated numerous techniques outside of digital marketing as a part of our
team’s efforts to create a successful marketing campaign for a multinational firm in Saudi
Arabia. To increase the company’s exposure and success in the local market, this research
will explore the best practices for virtual marketing in Saudi Arabia and suggest a
strategy that blends digital marketing with offline strategies. We consider regional trends
and preferences while creating a comprehensive and successful marketing strategy.
Strategy Overview:
Our proposed strategy for the Chinese brand entails the following steps:
Conduct Market Research:
Led by ZAHRAH as the team manager, our team would conduct extensive market
research to gain a deep understanding of the local market and customer
preferences. This research would include online surveys, data analysis, and offline
methods such as conducting focus groups and gathering insights from local
Develop a Custom Website:
Working closely with SARAH, the representative from the international brand,
we would develop a custom website tailored to the local market’s needs. The
website would feature bilingual content in Arabic and English, ensuring
accessibility for all customers and catering to the linguistic preferences of the
Saudi audience.
Utilize a Multi-channel Approach:
LATEEFAH, our technical support expert, would explore a multi-channel
approach encompassing digital marketing channels like social media and offline
channels such as television, radio, and print media. This approach recognizes the
diverse media consumption habits of the Saudi population.
Collaborate with Local Influencers and Community Leaders:
GHAIDA and AMANI, our general members, would focus on forming
partnerships with local influencers and community leaders with a strong presence
in Saudi Arabia. Leveraging their influence and credibility, we aim to enhance
brand awareness and foster connections with the target audience.
Engage in Community Initiatives:
Given the significance of community involvement, our team suggests actively
participating in neighborhood activities and projects. This participation would
take the form of sponsorships, alliances with regional groups, and holding
workshops or seminars to build the brand’s reputation as a reliable and active
member of the Saudi community.
Feedback from the International Company Representative (SARAH):
“The proposed strategy looks comprehensive and well-thought-out. However, it would be
beneficial to consider incorporating localized advertising strategies to target specific
regional preferences and cultural nuances within Saudi Arabia.”
Team’s Response and Reflection:
In response to ZAHRAH’s feedback, our team collectively discussed the importance of
localized advertising strategies within Saudi Arabia. We recognized the necessity of
modifying marketing messaging to appeal to particular geographical tastes and cultural
sensitivity. Consequently, we decided to hone our strategy by adding regionally specific
advertising efforts targeting Saudi Arabia. This would allow us to address the
population’s varied cultural origins and interests properly. We value SARAH’s insightful
advice, which has helped our marketing strategy become even more effective.
In conclusion, we suggest a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond digital marketing for the
Chinese brand in Saudi Arabia. We seek to build a significant presence in the Saudi Arabian
market by performing in-depth market research, creating a unique website, implementing a
multi-channel strategy, working with local influencers and community leaders, and participating
in community projects. SARAH, the worldwide brand representative, praised the thoroughness
and consideration of our strategy in her response. We agreed that localized advertising methods
were important and pledged to adjust our strategy in light of his recommendations. This
experience underscored the importance of an integrated marketing approach and deepened our
understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges the Saudi Arabian market presents.
Alam, M. I. (2022). Sales Activities of the Enterprise: The Case of Mousumi
Enterprises Limited (MEL)-A trading and distribution house of Aman Group of
AlArfaj, A. A., & Solaiman, E. (2019, June). Investigating commercial capabilities and
trust in social media applications for entrepreneurs. In Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Communities & Technologies-Transforming
Communities (pp. 65-75).
Alshawaf, A. (2020). The use of social networking technologies for home-based online
businesses: The case of Saudi Arabian female entrepreneurs (Doctoral
dissertation, The University of Waikato).
Berndt, R., Fantapié Altobelli, C., & Sander, M. (2023). International communication
management. In International Marketing Management (pp. 355-412). Berlin,
Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Meier, H., Blom, H., Maikranz, F. C., Meyer, R., Stein, T., & Weber, F. (2023). Project
Management: MBA Essentials. BoD–Books on Demand.

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