Future of Autonomous flight and pilotless airplanes


Must be at least 2500 wordsOnly talk about future autonomous flight topics discuss how The future of aviation includes reducing the required number of pilots from two to one even possibly zero. The use of artificial intelligence can be potentially used to act as another pilot in the event of a single pilot operation- so we will discuss that. also discuss how Another way single pilot operations will be feasible with AI is because it will be able to provide solutions and calculate the best route or decision for the scenario at hand with a high degree of accuracy. With the increase of advanced technology, while cutting a pilot out of the cockpit, airlines would be able to crew flights easier since only one pilot is now required and possibly operate an airline with flights 24 hours a day and with less downtime for quick turns. discuss how Aviation authorities around the world are researching the efficiency of single pilot operations to lower costs for their airlines, maintain or increase safety as well as the the feasibility of using advanced technology for single pilot operations.

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Future of Autonomous flight and pilotless airplanes
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