
I want you complete this project I’m already do the project statement and the outline project so you must do the list of sources and the first and final draft and PowerPoint for the presentation the research project it’s about oyster mushroom how he gonna help the environment I will upload the files how are you doing to do the list of sources and the first and final draft and what I already did it because it’s must be related

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Assignments & Guidelines
Research Term Paper
Final Paper due date: December 2, 2023 (midnight)
Total points: 350
(see below for breakdown of due dates and grade point for each section)
Project Idea pre‐approval – September 13, 2023
Project Topic Statement – September 18, 2023 (50 points) Project
List of Sources – October 4, 2023 (50 points)
Project Outline – October 23, 2023 (50 points)
Project First Draft – November 8, 2023 (50 points)
Project Final Paper – December 1, 2023 (100 points)
Oral presentation – December 1‐8, 2023 (50 points)
You will work in teams of two. A portion of the final paper and presentation grades will be
based on peer assessment of participation in the team’s work.
Each section listed above must be turned in in the order listed. We will not grade any work
for which the previous section was not submitted.
Project Idea Pre‐Approval
Please submit a title and brief statement of your topic for pre‐approval. We will only
approve two or three projects on any one topic, and these must have significant
differences. Projects will be approved on a first come first served basis.
Project Statement
Clearly identify and describe the global problem being addressed and its relevance and
connection with one or more Sustainable Development Goals. Explain the fungal solution
idea including the fungal species to be employed as well as the means by which the fungal
species will be used.
Project List of Sources
Provide an annotated bibliography of sources for your project. Sources should address the
problem, relationship to the SDGs, the fungus and its biology, and aspects related to
implementation. This list should include a minimum of 8 peer‐reviewed papers and a
minimum of 2 sources from non‐peer reviewed sources. Additional sources of either type
are acceptable.
Assignments & Guidelines
Project Outline
An outline is an ordered list of the main points of your paper. It should provide a logical
framework for the paper. Outline statements are brief.
First Draft
The first draft should be a complete document containing all sections listed below and be
fully referenced. We will read these drafts and provide feedback for you to use in
completing the final paper.
Structure of the Research Term Paper:
1. Title (should be concise and informative).
2. Abstract (limited to 300 words in one paragraph)
An abstract summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed
sequence that includes: 1) the overall purpose of the study and the research
problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or
trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your
interpretations and conclusions.
3. Statement of the Problem
Description of the global problem being addressed and its relevance and connection
with at least one Sustainable Development Goals. Where does it occur? How does it
occur? Who does it affect? This section should be fully referenced.
A research problem is the main organizing principle guiding the analysis of your paper
that offers a focus governing what you want to say.
4. Description of how fungi can help solve (all or part of) the problem.
How will the fungus be utilized to solve the problem? Please provide as much detail as
you can on this topic. It may be in some cases that more research on a particular
fungus, process, or some other component is needed to realize the potential of the
fungal solution. If so, describe the knowledge gaps and what can be done to address
5. Fungal biological components that can help solve the problem.
Describe and discuss the specific components of fungal biology and specific fungi that
would be used to solve the problem.
6. Implementation of the fungal solution and its challenges.
Assignments & Guidelines
What will be needed to implement the solution? Are there organizations, government
entities, or businesses that are needed as partners? What resources are needed for
successful implementation?
7. Conclusions and Future Prospects
Provide a brief statement about the prospects for your idea. Is this a long‐ or short‐term
process? Are there significant barriers to success? Any other concluding statements?
8. References cited.
Provide full references of the citations included earlier in the text, in the following
Citation in text: (Malcolm et al., 2013)
Full citation: Malcolm, G.M., Kuldau, G.A., Gugino, B.K., and Jiménez‐Gasco, M.M.
2013. Hidden host plant associations of soilborne fungal pathogens: An ecological
perspective. Phytopathology 103: 538‐544. (A link to the paper is not needed)
Potential scientific resources for researching your topic:
Google Scholar
Web of Science (access through PSU libraries, will need authentication)
PubMed (
JSTOR (access through PSU libraries, will need authentication)
The final Research Term Paper must be 5 (minimum) to 8 (maximum) pages long, not
including refences. Please use 12‐point font, one‐inch margins and single spacing. Please
use a header to identify each section described above.
For each submission except the final paper, add the new section to the document
containing the previous sections. Place this working document in the appropriate folder
on CANVAS by uploading a Word document.
Project Sources
• Project Topic Statement
• Both partners should upload the statement to Canvas
• Scavenger Hunt
• Please submit by noon on Thursday
• Friday
• Meet here (213 Buckhout)
• Scavenger Hunt Showcase
• Fungi in seeds
Project List of Sources
Provide an annotated bibliography of sources for your
project. Sources should address the problem,
relationship to the SDGs, the fungus and its biology, and
aspects related to implementation. This list should
include a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed papers and a
minimum of 2 sources from non-peer reviewed sources.
Additional sources of either type are acceptable.
How many sources is enough?
• You may well need more than the minimum required for this
• Do you have all the information you need?
• Are all your questions answered?
• Have you explained and explored the fungal biology sufficiently?
• etc
What does “peer-reviewed” mean?
• What is a peer?
• What review are we talking about?
How do I know if it is peer-reviewed?
• Check the journal website
• Look for “received” and “accepted” dates on the paper
• Use filters in a search engine such as Web of Science
Scholarly Articles vs. Popular Press
• Fungi in the news assignment
Annotated Bibliography
• Citation
• Notes on the citation
Mansfield, M. A. and Kuldau, G. A. 2007. Microbiological and molecular
determination of mycobiota in fresh and ensiled maize. Mycologia
Describes the fungi found in fresh cut and ensiled corn silage across the
state of Pennsylvania. Fusarium species are found more in fresh silage,
and Penicillium species are found more in ensiled samples. Some
differences in fungi are noted between more northern and southern
parts of the state.
Oyster Mushrooms for a Cleaner Environment
Project statements
Fatimah Alyami
Environmental pollution is one of the global concerns that has to be addressed. It is
because it is the root of other global concerns like climate change, food insecurity, and health
risks. Oyster mushrooms, a fungal species, have proven to be a remedy towards environmental
pollution. It is because it can be used to eradicate water and soil pollution. For instance, oyster
mushrooms consist of environmentally friendly enzymes that could be utilized to clean up
pollutants rather than the primarily used chemicals, which may not be environmentally friendly.
Such enzymes allow oyster mushrooms to break down organic and inorganic substances that
cause environmental pollution. There are various benefits of using oyster mushrooms to make
the environment safer. They include a cost-friendly remedy as it utilizes agricultural waste and
products to clean the environment. Oyster mushrooms can remediate water and soil
contaminated with harmful substances like organic pollutants through mycoremediation.
According to Akhtar & Mannan(2020), mycoremediation entails an economical, eco-friendly,
effective strategy that involves using fungi to combat soil and water pollution. Moreover, using
oyster mushrooms to clean the environment benefits humans, who are the genesis of
environmental pollution. It does this as it creates job opportunities for farmers who plant them.
Researching oyster mushrooms as a remedy to combat environmental pollution is
essential as it helps preserve lives. Additionally, the research could also produce information
needed by environmental enthusiasts on how best to keep the environment safe using fungi,
especially oyster mushrooms. It should be noted that previous research papers still need to give
in-depth information on how oyster mushrooms could make the world cleaner and the biological
components it posits to allow it to achieve the latter goal. This is evident as most research papers
talk of technology and other chemical substances as effective remedies towards cleaning the
environment. These remedies are effective; however, some, like chemicals, may not be ecofriendly, while technology could be expensive. Moreover, those researchers who understand
fungi could be effective and efficient have studied the importance of using fungi to treat the
environment and ways it could be used, thus leaving out the information this research paper is to
fill. Overall, this research paper will prove the biological components oyster mushrooms have
that enable them to make the environment safer and how the mushrooms could clean the
environment to aid in eradicating the global concern of environmental pollution.
Akhtar, N., & Mannan, M. A. (2020). Mycoremediation: Expunging environmental pollutants.
Biotechnology Reports, 26, e00452.
project outline
Oyster Mushrooms for a Cleaner Environment
Fatimah alyami
1. Abstract
Various global concerns have to be dealt with in the world. The global problems include
environmental pollution, climatic change, health risks, and food insecurity. Environmental
pollution is one of the most underrated issues, though it is the genesis of all the mentioned
global concerns. It is because environmental pollution leads to climatic change as the
pollutants the environment is subjected to lead to warming of the globe, which leads to
climatic change, which later on leads to other global concerns. There are further different
forms of environmental conditions, which include soil, water, and air pollution. All these
forms of pollution could be eradicated through oyster mushrooms. This research paper uses
other research papers to inform its audience on how best this species could make the
environment clean. In addition, the research article gives biological components that help
make oyster mushrooms possible to clean the environment and processes to be included in
implementing the fungal solution with its challenges.
Addressing global concerns is a critical task in today’s world. The overarching global
problems I mentioned, including environmental pollution, climatic change, health risks, and
food insecurity, are interconnected and require multifaceted solutions. One of the issues that
often doesn’t receive as much attention as it deserves is environmental pollution, and yet, it
can be considered the root cause of many of these pressing global concerns.
Environmental pollution is a pervasive and complex problem that encompasses various
forms, including air, water, and soil pollution. These different forms of pollution result from
human activities such as industrial processes, transportation, and agricultural practices. The
pollutants released into the environment can have severe consequences, not only for
ecosystems but also for human health and the climate.
One of the critical ways in which environmental pollution contributes to global challenges is
by fueling climatic change. Pollution, especially in the form of greenhouse gas emissions,
traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to global warming. This rise in temperature
causes shifts in weather patterns, melting ice caps, and an increase in the frequency and
intensity of extreme weather events. The resulting climatic changes have far-reaching
impacts on ecosystems, communities, and economies, exacerbating many other global issues.
my research paper’s focus on using oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) to address
environmental pollution is a fascinating concept. Oyster mushrooms are well-known for their
potential in bioremediation, a process that uses living organisms to mitigate environmental
pollution. These mushrooms have demonstrated the ability to break down and absorb various
pollutants, making them a natural solution to clean contaminated areas.
In my research, it’s essential to delve deeper into the biological components that enable
oyster mushrooms to act as environmental cleaners. Understanding the enzymes,
mechanisms, and interactions involved is crucial for effective implementation. Additionally,
the processes for utilizing oyster mushrooms in bioremediation projects, such as site
selection, cultivation methods, and monitoring, should be thoroughly explored.
Nevertheless, while oyster mushrooms hold promise, it’s crucial to acknowledge the
challenges. Not all types of pollution can be effectively remediated by these mushrooms, and
the feasibility of large-scale implementation, as well as the economic viability of this
approach, should be carefully evaluated.
In conclusion, my research paper is a noteworthy endeavor, and the use of oyster mushrooms
to combat environmental pollution is a sustainable and innovative approach. To fully realize
this idea, further research, experimentation, and collaboration with experts in the field are
2. Statement of the problem

The problem- environmental pollution

The solution- oyster mushrooms
– Reasons it fits as a solution
– Its benefits.

Reasons why oyster mushrooms are chosen to be included in the research paper.
Environmental pollution is one of the global concerns that has to be addressed.
It is because it is the root of other global concerns like climate change, food
insecurity, and health risks. Oyster mushrooms, a fungal species, have proven to
be a remedy towards environmental pollution. It is because it can be used to
eradicate water and soil pollution. For instance, oyster mushrooms consist of
environmentally friendly enzymes that could be utilized to clean up pollutants
rather than the primarily used chemicals, which may not be environmentally
friendly. Such enzymes allow oyster mushrooms to break down organic and
inorganic substances that cause environmental pollution. There are various
benefits of using oyster mushrooms to make the environment safer. They
include a cost-friendly remedy as it utilizes agricultural waste and products to
clean the environment. Oyster mushrooms can remediate water and soil
contaminated with harmful substances like organic pollutants through
mycoremediation. According to Akhtar & Mannan(2020), mycoremediation
entails an economical, eco-friendly, effective strategy that involves using fungi
to combat soil and water pollution. Moreover, using oyster mushrooms to clean
the environment benefits humans, who are the genesis of environmental
pollution. It does this as it creates job opportunities for farmers who plant them.
Researching oyster mushrooms as a remedy to combat environmental pollution is
essential as it helps preserve lives. Additionally, the research could also produce
information needed by environmental enthusiasts on how best to keep the environment
safe using fungi, especially oyster mushrooms. It should be noted that previous research
papers still need to give in-depth information on how oyster mushrooms could make the
world cleaner and the biological components it posits to allow it to achieve the latter
goal. This is evident as most research papers talk of technology and other chemical
substances as effective remedies towards cleaning the environment. These remedies are
effective; however, some, like chemicals, may not be eco-friendly, while technology
could be expensive. Moreover, those researchers who understand fungi could be
effective and efficient have studied the importance of using fungi to treat the
environment and ways it could be used, thus leaving out the information this research
paper is to fill. Overall, this research paper will prove the biological components oyster
mushrooms have that enable them to make the environment safer and how the
mushrooms could clean the environment to aid in eradicating the global concern of
environmental pollution.
3. How Oyster Mushrooms Can Make the Environment Cleaner

Land pollution


recycling organic solid wastes

speed up decomposition in waste products
Water pollution

Purification and filtering of water.

Air pollution

Natural pesticide.
As mentioned earlier, oyster mushrooms clean the environment through a process of fungal
remediation. Oyster mushroom or Pleurotus ostreatus is known to eliminate pollutants such as
industrial wastes, perfluoroalkyl substances, pharmaceuticals, sulfonamides and chlorinated
pesticides via fungal remediation. The following pollutants cause different forms of
environmental pollution, such as water and soil pollution. Pleurotus ostreatus eliminates some of
these contaminants through biosorption, which entails the removal of contaminants from the
contaminated area, thus exposing the elements of intramuscular treatment. Biosorption entails
the ability of inactive or dead microbial biomass to remove heavy metals or desired substances
from a biological material. From this definition of biosorption, it is clear that it is related to
mycorrhizal remediation as the latter entails fungi and oyster mushrooms and the control of
contaminants that can be traced in contaminated water or soil. Furthermore, oyster mushrooms
can speed up the decomposition of waste such as plastic and make themselves edible.
The researchers explain that these waste products contain substrates that promote oyster
mushroom growth, and thus decomposition.
Oyster mushroom makes the environment cleaner by recycling organic solid waste.
He explains organic waste as biodegradable waste that can be found in tree leaves that may have
fallen and other food products that have been discarded or fallen from trees instead. However,
oyster mushrooms tend to recycle this organic waste and make it environmentally beneficial.
This is because they are among the best analysts. Hence, they help in decomposing these wastes,
which results in the production of nutrients that can help enrich the soil. The recycling process
occurs when this fungus breaks down complex organic waste into simpler compounds containing
nutrients that can be absorbed or recycled into the ecosystem.
Apart from fighting soil pollutants, it also helps in eliminating water pollution. Through
mycological remediation, oyster mushrooms can filter and purify water contaminated with heavy
metals or other inedible chemicals. The fungal treatment process occurs during purification
where the fungus absorbs the pollutants in the water, thus saving lives. It also helps in combating
air pollution as it can be used as an insecticide to avoid over-reliance on chemicals that can cause
land and air pollution. They also proved that oyster mushrooms are a natural insecticide.
4. Oyster Mushrooms Biological Components

Enzymes it produces

A table having enzymes oyster mushroom produces.
Body structure with adaptations



Its edible
5. Implementation of the fungal solution and its challenges

The implementation processes.otline

Allocating funds to allow oyster mushrooms to be used as a fungal solution.

Inadequate funds

Disunity among governments
6. Conclusion

In conclusion, oyster mushrooms are fungal species that are a remedy for land,
air, and water pollution.
7. Appendix
8. References
El-Ramady, H., Abdalla, N., Fawzy, Z., Badgar, K., Llanaj, X., Törős, G., Hajdú, P., Eid, Y., &
Prokisch, J. (2022). Green Biotechnology of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus L.): A
Sustainable Strategy for Myco-Remediation and Bio-Fermentation. Sustainability, 14(6), 3667
Michalak, I., Chojnacka, K., & Witek-Krowiak, A. (2013). State of the Art for the Biosorption
Process—a Review. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 170(6), 1389–1416.
Mihai, R. A., Melo Heras, E. J., Florescu, L. I., & Catana, R. D. (2022). The Edible Gray Oyster
Fungi Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) P. Kumm a Potent Waste Consumer, a Biofriendly
Species with Antioxidant Activity Depending on the Growth Substrate. Journal of Fungi, 8(3),
Rahman, M., Karim, M. R., Alam, M., Islam, M. F., Habib, M. R., Uddin, M., & Hossain, M. T.
(2011). Insecticidal effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) against Tribolium castaneum
(Herbst). Natural Products: An Indian Journal.

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