foundations of nursing


Discussion Question: Read the posted article: Integrating Population Health into Nursing Education

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Download Integrating Population Health into Nursing Education. Based on the readings from weeks 1 and 2, respond to the following questions:Do you agree that the AACN essentials should be taught at all levels of nursing education?What are the advantages?Are there any disadvantages?How
can you incorporate this education into your everyday practice now and
once you are in a leadership or advanced practice role? Give specific examples using the Essentials reviewed. How would it be valuable for future preceptors or educators to incorporate the Essentials into educational experiences? Have
you been mentored by or witnessed advanced practice nurses in the past
who clearly incorporated these competencies into their practice? In what
way? What are ways APNs can advocate for social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion? Be sure to include specific sub-competencies in your post.Give
a brief summary of the article, then critically analyze the content.
Refer to the learning activities overview in the student resources.