Foreign Languages Question


In this assignment, you will watch “Os Imortais” (2003), a film by Antonio Pedro Vasconcelos. It’s a movie that revolves around a group of Portuguese veterans who served their country in the colonial war in Africa (1961-74) and struggled to adjust to normal life in Lisbon in the 80s. Write a 500-word paper (it can be a bit more if you need) in which you reflect on the following topics:what does the movie tell you about women’s condition in the years that followed the end of the dictatorship? can you come up with examples?what does the movie tell you about Portuguese identity and culture? Are you able to identify typical Portuguese customs and stereotypes (culture, music, behaviors)?What can you tell about Portuguese history and culture in examining this film? what’s the country that gives you a deeper sense of “Portuguese identity”? Why is the character you chose typically Portuguese? Can you give examples?what’s your favorite part?If you quote external articles or sources to guide your writing, don’t forget to include a bibliography following MLA citation format. PS: write in paragraphs. write an introduction (what do I want to say? what’s my point?) and a short conclusion.

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