follow up this week


Investigate and present a comprehensive overview of the momentum factor in factor investing, addressing its historical performance, its significance in portfolio construction, and how it contrasts with other factors.

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Introduction to Momentum Factor:

-Define the momentum factor and its origin in financial literature.

-Discuss the basic premise: Stocks with high recent returns will continue to deliver above-average returns in the short-term, and vice versa.

Historical Performance:

-Research and plot the historical performance of momentum-based strategies vs. a benchmark index (e.g., S&P 500) over the last 20 years.

-Highlight any significant periods of outperformance or underperformance.

Drivers of Momentum:

-Delve into the potential reasons behind momentum. This might include behavioral biases of investors, information diffusion, or other rationales.

-Discuss any notable academic papers or research on the topic.

Momentum Factor Construction:

-Describe commonly used methodologies to capture momentum. This might involve discussing ranking methods, look-back periods, and rebalancing frequency.

-Highlight any variations of momentum (e.g., relative momentum, absolute momentum, sector momentum).

Integration with Other Factors:

-Research how momentum integrates with other factors in factor investing like value, size, or quality.

Discuss any synergy or diversification benefits. For instance, how might a momentum strategy complement a value strategy?

Potential Pitfalls and Criticisms:

-Address criticisms of momentum investing – does it really work, or is it just data mining?

-Discuss potential pitfalls like high turnover, impact of transaction costs, and periods of strategy underperformance.

Current Trends and Innovations:

-Research any recent developments or innovations in the momentum investing space. Are there any emerging sub-factors or variations?

-Use a stock screening tool or dataset to identify the top 10 momentum stocks in the current market. -Provide rationale for their inclusion based on their momentum characteristics.

-Simulate a portfolio that invests in these stocks and track its performance over the next month.


-Summarize key findings and personal insights about the utility and future of the momentum factor in investing.


Compile the research and findings into a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation.The presentation should be no longer than 20 slides, with clear visuals, graphs, and succinct bullet points. Make sure to allocate sufficient time for each section, ensuring a deep understanding and comprehensive coverage of the momentum factor in factor investing.