Financial Management


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College of Economic and Business Administration
SEMESTER I – (2023-2024)
BSAC 3209/ BAFI 3310: Financial Management II
Coursework Assignment:
This assignment is a solo project that will enable students to showcase their proficiency in
completing practical assignments and producing well-organized reports. The entirety of the
assignment accounts for 15% of the overall evaluation for this course, equating to a total of 15
Educational achievements that students are expected to demonstrate after completing a course or
program. Upon completing the report and engaging in this assessment, students will be evaluated
based on the following outcomes.:
• Analysis of Capital Structure
• Evaluation of Business Valuation methods
• Examining Dividend and Retained Earning
• Able to critically evaluate and create reports and structured essays
Assignment Topic: Report on Financial Analysis of the Selected Company
1. Select an Omani listed company of your choice from Muscat Stock Exchange.
2. Download the latest financial statements and other data from the company’s website/other
resources for preparing this report.
3. The report will be prepared by the individual student.
4. The published financial data of the company for the latest three years should be considered
for this report. It should be well tabulated and presented neatly in the report.
5. The assignment will be uploaded and checked using Turnitin software. So, make sure that
it is your original work.
6. Prepare the report in MS Word document. Use ‘Times New Roman’ as the font style and
the font size should be 12. Line spacing-1.5. The margin must be preferably normal.
7. The report should have approximately 800 words and should be not exceed 2000 words
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College of Economic and Business Administration
8. The soft copy of the assignment should be uploaded in E-Learning on or before 11.59
p.m. of 21 December 2023 and hard copy must be submitted to the concerned lecturer.
Any delay beyond the deadline shall not be accepted.
9. The report will be evaluated for 15 marks.
Rubrics for Evaluation (15 Marks)
Assessment Base
Capital Structure of the Company
Business Valuation
Dividends and Retained earning
Total marks
Maximum Marks
1. All the Graduate Attributes based on Course Assessment will be duly considered.
2. Marking will be based on the assessment of the lecturer which is irrevocable.
3. Similarity index should be less than 20%. Otherwise, marks will be deducted as follows:
Range of Similarity Index
Deduction of Marks
Up to 20%
21% to 30%
Above 30%
*If plagiarism is above 30%, then the group has to resubmit the report. For such resubmissions,
evaluation will be done for a maximum of 13 marks only.
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College of Economic and Business Administration
Outline of the Assignment
I. Introduction
a) Brief discussion about the company: Brief history, a short background and location(s) of the
b) Mention the products or services offered by the company, awards and recognitions received.
II. Capital Structure of the Company
a) Analyze the capital structure of the company using the book value of the company for the latest
three years from the published balance sheets of the company.
b) Evaluate the Financial Gearing proportion (percentage) of the sources of finance in the total
capital structure of the company using the book value.
c) Outline the implications of the company capital structure on its risk profile and financial
III. Business Valuation
a) Calculate the share valuation of a company using Asset Based Valuation for the latest three
years from the published balance sheet of the company
b) Compute the company’s earnings as per Income/ Earnings based method using Earning yield
method of valuation for the latest three years taking into account the earnings per share as per the
balance sheet of the company and the market price of its stocks for the relevant period (i.e., 3
c) The market price of the shares as on the balance sheet date can be taken from the internet
sources for the purpose of this calculation. (The source should be quoted clearly in the references
d) Describe the factors that may impact the company valuation and potential limitations of the
asset based and earning based method
IV. Dividends and Retained Earnings
a) Present in the tabular form the Dividends paid to the shareholders and the retained earnings of
the company for the latest three years of a company.
b) Estimate the type of dividend policy followed by the company
c) Discuss what type of dividend policy would be more suitable for a constantly growing and
expanding company and why?
V. Conclusion
a) Summarize the findings from the above analysis
b) |Provide any two interpretations on the future prospects of the company.
VI. References
Quote the appropriate sources of data collected for this assignment: Annual Reports, Journals,
Websites etc. (in the alphabetical order with serial no.)
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