Finance Question


Submit one file as a Word document. Excel calculations should be submitted in the word file as Appendix.2.500 words. Harvard reference Style

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Assignment Brief
Business and Administration Department
MBA for Executives
Module Title/Code
Accounting and Finance for Managers / BA7GR02O
Module Leader
A1 – Individual Written Assignment
Main /Resit
In case of a RESIT a different set of companies must be selected
to discuss and present their Financial Statements
Assessment Type
Assessed Learning
LO1. Identify the role of corporate entity and the role of
accounting and finance as a prerequisite for all stakeholders
(shareholders, managers, staff, state, customers, suppliers etc.),
ensuring efficient corporate governance and management;
LO2. Interpret and analyse financial statements of enterprises
and critically assess and evaluate business performance;
LO3. Apply relevant management accounting and financial
management techniques to provide information of future
business planning for decision making;
Academic Year
Teaching Semester
Assessment due date
January 18th, 2024, via i-learn turn it in by 20:00 hours.
Late submission
An extension for the submission of coursework can be sought for
up to 5 calendar days. If more time is needed you can speak to
your Module Leader to be granted a further 5-day extension. In
both cases the mark achieved will be uncapped.
Late submission of coursework after 5 days according to
UWL Regulations
In line with UWL policy, you will receive your module feedback
within 15 working days (excluding holidays/bank holidays). The
feedback aims to support you in identifying areas of improvement
for future assessments, as well as recognizing areas you have
performed well. It will be provided through e-mail, generally
Academic Offences
describing the achieved level of performance against the
standards required, as a confirmation towards recognition of high
Academic offences, including plagiarism, are treated very
seriously by both BCA and UWL. A student who is proven to have
committed an academic offence may be placing his or her degree
in jeopardy. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure that
you understand what constitutes an academic offence, and in
particular, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Your work must
be written in your own words to demonstrate your understanding
of the material. It is not acceptable to copy sections of text from
other sources. The copying of another person’s work will result in
you receiving a zero for your assignment.

Any AI Text Generator (AITG) content used
should be also mentioned in the Appendix,
including AITG prompts, full AITG response, and
how/in which parts of the coursework the
responses have been used.
Assignment Instructions
Discuss the financial statements of two listed firms of your choice preferably in the same
sector. Make you own in depth analysis and evaluation of the performance of the firm in
terms of (1) Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement Drivers, (2)
Liquidity and Solvency, (3) Profitability, Activity and Efficiency, (4) Capital Structure and
Market, based on historical data of 10-15 years.
Make your own comments and conclusions between the two firms about performance and
make your own suggestion to improve their financial strategic management.
Support your answer with (1) justifications of your assumptions, making references of
your sources (sites, links etc.), (2) calculations followed by explanations when it is
required, (3) comments and interpretations of your approach justifying your conclusions.
Assessment instructions:
The deadline of the coursework is January 18th, via I – Learn, by 20:00

The coursework is an individual assignment (report) of 2,500 words. Please note
that the word count does NOT include any appendices, references, table of
contents, cover page, other tables or figures.
Students are required to select listed firms.
Students are required to use annual reports of at least 5 years historical data.
Students are required to select and use Fundamental Variables and Financial
Finally, students must propose ways in which the firm could improve its
As noted, students bear the obvious obligation of complying with University
Regulations on academic misconduct and particularly plagiarism.
Submit one file as a Word document. Excel calculations should be submitted in
the word file as Appendix.
The assignment must be submitted on i–learn, using the TURNTITIN software.
Students must submit their papers by using only their student ID number and NOT
their names.
Feedback will be provided to all students in a constructive, timely and meaningful
way. The modes of feedback include:
Class discussion of the assignment in progress.
Individual consultations via comments on a first draft of the assignment and finally,
Comments on the submitted assignment.
Issues of plagiarism and any form of academic dishonesty are treated very seriously. They
could result in you failing the module or even having to leave your programme. Issues of
plagiarism and any form of academic dishonesty are treated very seriously. They could
result in you failing the module or even having to leave your Programme.
Assessment Criteria & Marking Scheme
A: 70-100
Fully and correctly covered all aspects, with excellent analysis,
excellent supported arguments, excellent structure and presentation.
B: 60-69
All aspects covered with very satisfying analysis, argumentation,
structure and presentation.
C: 50-59
Most of the aspects covered well enough with few mistakes, with
moderate analysis, argumentation, structure and presentation.
D: 40-49
Some aspects covered with some mistakes and partial analysis,
argumentation, structure and presentation.
F: 0-39
Few aspects covered, with very poor analysis, argumentation,
structure and presentation.
Student ID:
Due date: 12/2021
Instructor: Dr. Konstantinos A.
Markers general view of the work:
understanding of
(weighting 25%)
Knowledge /
development of
theory and
(weighting 25%)
development of
(weighting 25%)
References, use
of language
(weighting 25%)
that the marker liked
that need more attention

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