Finance Question


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Question 1 [23 marks].
(a) Suppose you put £1500 in a bank account with nominal interest rate 1.2% and
make no withdrawals. How much money will be in the account 6 years later if
the interest is compounded monthly? State your answer to the nearest pence.
(b) Suppose a bank account has a nominal interest rate of 4.4% compounded
semi-annually. Find the effective interest rate reff to three significant figures.
(c) Suppose that for time t ≥ 0 the instantaneous interest rate of a bank account is
given by
r (t) = 0.016 + 0.01te−t .
(i) Determine the yield curve r (t).
(ii) Determine lim r (t).
(d) Suppose that Bank A offers deposits and loans continuously compounded with
discount factor D A (t) and that Bank B offers deposits and loans continuously
compounded with discount factor DB (t). Moreover, suppose that
D A (1) D A (2) > D B (3).
Show that an arbitrage opportunity exists.
Question 2 [8 marks]. Consider the cash flow ( a1 , a2 , a3 ) = (−2, 1, −1), where ai is
the payment at the beginning of year i for i = 0, 1, 2.
(a) Show that this cash flow does not have an Internal Rate of Return.
(b) Why is this cash flow not subject to the theorem proved in lectures about the
existence of an Internal Rate of Return r satisfying −1 < r < ∞. [3] Question 3 [9 marks]. A 2-year bond has face value £700,000 semi-annual coupons at rate 3% per annum, and is redeemable at half par. The current rate of interest is 3% compounded continuously. (a) Determine the coupon and redemption payments in pounds. [4] (b) Determine the no-arbitrage price of the bond to the nearest pound. [5] Continue to next page Question 4 [10 marks]. Consider the three cash flow streams of the form ( a1 , a2 , a3 ) where ai is the amount of money in thousands of pounds received at the end of year i for i = 0, 1, 2: x = (2, 2, 2) y = ( a, 2, 2) z = (2, 2, a), where a > 2. Interest is 3% compounded continuously. Order x, y, and z from
smallest effective duration to largest effective duration. Justify your answer.
Question 5 [14 marks]. Suppose that in the fixed interest rate model the interest
rate compounded yearly has the continuous distribution R ∼ Uniform(1.3%, 2.7%).
(a) Determine the probability that £200 accumulates to less than £210 after three
years? State your answer as a decimal to three significant figures.
(b) Find the expected present value of a payment of £10,000 received five years
from now. State your answer to the nearest pound.
(c) Find the present value of a payment of £10,000 received five years from now if
interest is not random any more, but is compounded yearly at rate E( R), where
E denotes expected value. State your answer to the nearest pound.
Question 6 [8 marks].
(a) Assume that Corner Bank quotes spot rate rate s8 = 1.5% and forward rate
f 8,10 = 1.9%. Find the spot rate s10 . State your answer as a percentage to three
significant figures.
(b) Suppose that the price of 100 6-year zero-coupon bonds each paying £1 is £96
and that the price of 120 8-year zero-coupon bonds each paying £1 is £105.
Assuming there is no-arbitrage, find the forward rate f 6,8 . State your answer as
a percentage to three significant figures.
Question 7 [8 marks].
A company issues new shares to fund a new manufacturing plant. Explain the
meaning of the Arbitrage Theorem with respect to the price of the new shares.
Continue to next page
Question 8 [20 marks]. A share price is modelled via a two-period binomial
model with initial stock price S = 250, up/down multiplication factors u = 1.2 and
d = 0.8, and interest rate 3.2% compounded continuously.
(a) Verify that the no-arbitrage assumption is valid in this model.
(b) Find the risk-neutral probabilities of up and down movements in the share
price. State your answers to three significant figures.
(c) Find the no-arbitrage price of a European call option on the share with strike
K = 200 and expiry date T = 2. State your answer to the nearest pence.
(d) Suppose that we let the strike price K vary and keep the other parameters the
same. What is the smallest value of K for which the call would has value zero?
Explain your answer.

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