finance multi-part question


Here is all the information, please follow the dates and keep me updated with all assignments. Any further questions please let me know as soon as possible!Only do 3e “Fintech shadow banking -Paypal” along with I and ii and 3f “Long-erm effects of shadow banking” along with I and ii

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finance multi-part question
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Paper Objectives
The TERM PAPER is an important element of this course.
The paper has three objectives:
To make sure that the reading material has been absorbed in full measure; to serve as the
2 foundation for class discussions; and, to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate
their understanding of the substantive class material and ability to apply this material in “real
world” situations, and have the ability to explain them to others.
The paper should be between 8 and 12 pages (double-spaced with 12-point font).
If the paper is over 12 pages I will not read it.
The paper should have a cover page that follows the requirements as indicated in this syllabus,
an introduction that tells the reader what the paper is all about and what to expect in the
document (if there is no introduction, then there is no paper.
Again, the paper must be double-spaced; endnotes/footnotes properly
formatted (e.g., do not put the complete description of the source material in the
endnotes/footnotes; that should be in the reference section of the paper); each page numbered;
and references should follow the standard format used in academic journal publications.
In evaluating the paper, I will be looking for the following elements:
(1) A cover page;
(2) A statement of the issue under consideration (that is, an introduction, stating what the
paper is all about);
(3) Sufficient text background material to support your analysis of the issue
and the questions introduced in the introduction; (various sections with titles for each section;
(4) a summary-type ending that incorporates your examination of the material in the body of the
My evaluation [grade] will also be based on grammar, the strength of your analysis, clarity, and
value of your answers to the questions that are raised in the introduction of the manuscript.
Handwritten assignments are not acceptable, and no handwritten markings will be acceptable
on the paper that are turned in for grading. Again, note that the manuscript must be
double-spaced with page numbers.
Format Requirements for the term paper:
The first page of the report should be the cover page including the title of the
project, the author name, and the following statement
Presented as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Money and Banking
Finance 320, DePaul University, Autumn Quarter 2023
1. Cover page
a. Title
b. Authors names (Rafal Golaszewski, Jessica Caltrider, Alessandro Guasta)
c. Presented as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Money and
Banking Finance 320, DePaul University, Autumn Quarter 2023
2. Introduction
a. What is Shadow Banking?
b. What to expect in the paper
c. Propose questions regarding shadow banking
3. Analysis
a. Description of shadow banking
i. Institutional features of shadow banks
ii. Their economic roles
iii. Their relation to traditional banks
iv. Types of loans offered
b. Advantages of shadow banking
i. Reduced dependency on traditional banks
ii. Provides increased diversification in the financial system
iii. Limited regulation
c. Disadvantages of shadowing banking
i. High vulnerability to runs
ii. No access to cash
iii. Lack of federal insurance
d. Spotlight on a specific shadow bank – Blackrock
i. Description
ii. Types of loans offered
iii. Effects
e. Fintech shadow banking – Paypal
i. Description
ii. Effects on users
f. Long-term effects of shadow banking
i. Effect on individual buyers/sellers
ii. Effect on the overall financial system
4. Conclusion/Summary
5. References
Shadow Banking
Alessandro Guasta
Jessica Caltrider
Rafal Golaszewski
Presented as partial fulfillment of the requirements for Money and Banking
Finance 320, DePaul University, Autumn Quarter 2023
Here is a start for your introduction:
“When people think about banks, they normally think about banks such
as Bank of America, Citibank, and Capital One, which all sit in the
commercial bank category. Would shadow banks fall under the same
category? What exactly are shadow banks? Many individuals are still
trying to figure out what this unknown entity is. The Financial Stability
Board defines shadow banking as “credit intermediation involving entities
and activities outside the regular banking system,” but there are many
other definitions for it. One could define it as “A web of specialized
financial institutions that channel funding from savers (investors) to
spending units through a range of securitization and funding techniques.”
Both of these definitions define what shadow banking does, but based
on the research it would be best defined as “the shadow banking system
is the network of financial intermediaries that conduct maturity, credit,
and liquidity transformation without being subject to banking regulation.”
In this paper, the topics that will be covered are its institutional features,
its economic roles, and its relation to traditional banks. For the
institutional features, the specifics of shadow banking’s entities,
regulations, and off-balance sheet activities will be discussed. On the
basis of the economic role, it plays a huge factor because of how market
liquidity shapes the economy. In the relation to the traditional banks
section, the connection between traditional banks and shadow banks will
be discussed including through securitization, repurchase agreements,
and money market transactions.” feedback from professor.

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